Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Christmas Parties
Of course I forgot to post about the other happenings of last weekend earlier so I'll put in a quick summary here. Friday was a Fondue party at Anne-Marie's place celebrating Christmas and her birthday (Happy Birthday AM!). A good time was had by all. Check out JP's site for pictures of the event (I linked his page on the right side of the page now). Saturday night, after skiing, was a Secret Santa gift exchange and dinner at Renata's new house in Barrhaven. Even though I was feeling incredibly sick and tired, I managed to have a good time. Almost all of the pre-planned parties are done now, just the division party from work to go (this Friday at lunch). After that if I'm not in the holiday spirit then I guess I'm just a grinch.
Pool Champion
As most of you know, I co-run an 8-ball pool league on Monday nights. It started out for interns and co-op students and their friends but it's turned into more a core group of people with some newcomers every term. We have fun and socialize, it's not a really serious league but there are some good players. As time has gone on, I've developed into one of them. Every 4 months our term or "season" is done and we have a party and a tournament for those that have shown up for half of the weeks. Back when I was an intern here I somehow managed to win one of these tournaments (mostly on luck but a little skill was involved). Last Monday was our Fall '06 tournament.
I got off to a rocky start and wasn't playing very well but then I played Kevin (sorry KAK, I have to write about this). The first game I didn't play overly well and lost but managed to get almost all my balls down. Then I broke for our second game and proceeded to sink 2-balls off the break (1 solid, 1 stripe) and then the rest of the stripes in one turn, followed of course by the 8-ball. I had my first ever ERO!! For those that don't know, an ERO, or Eight-ball Run Out, is not an easy thing and mine was no exception. I had to make a couple of difficult shots and move the cue ball around the table just right. For me to accomplish this relatively rare feat (well, rare for someone of my ability anyway) was special to me and got me going for the rest of the night. I did manage to lose another game but it was still part of the round robin and I managed to play solid in the finals and come away the winner. Kudos to Mike who I defeated in the finals but played much better than I in the round robin.
Anyway, despite being sick and relatively miserable for most of Monday, pool turned my week around early and has been the highlight of the month for me so far (of course Christmas is still coming). Just thought I'd share my joy and for anyone in the Ottawa area, if you're interested in playing pool, we start up our next term in January so let me know if you want to come play.
I got off to a rocky start and wasn't playing very well but then I played Kevin (sorry KAK, I have to write about this). The first game I didn't play overly well and lost but managed to get almost all my balls down. Then I broke for our second game and proceeded to sink 2-balls off the break (1 solid, 1 stripe) and then the rest of the stripes in one turn, followed of course by the 8-ball. I had my first ever ERO!! For those that don't know, an ERO, or Eight-ball Run Out, is not an easy thing and mine was no exception. I had to make a couple of difficult shots and move the cue ball around the table just right. For me to accomplish this relatively rare feat (well, rare for someone of my ability anyway) was special to me and got me going for the rest of the night. I did manage to lose another game but it was still part of the round robin and I managed to play solid in the finals and come away the winner. Kudos to Mike who I defeated in the finals but played much better than I in the round robin.
Anyway, despite being sick and relatively miserable for most of Monday, pool turned my week around early and has been the highlight of the month for me so far (of course Christmas is still coming). Just thought I'd share my joy and for anyone in the Ottawa area, if you're interested in playing pool, we start up our next term in January so let me know if you want to come play.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Let the ski season begin
Well, yesterday was technically the first day on the hill for me this year, but today was better. Yesterday was our ski test and the recruit draft at Camp Fortune so we got to ski a little bit but it was pretty lame since only the bunny hill was open (and then one other run later in the day but I didn't really stick around and only got a couple more real runs in after lunch). After the testing was done, the patrol leaders from the zone drafted all of the recruits to each hill. I ended up at Mont Cascades with Ali and France. So today was my first day there. Even though there is only one run open there as well and we spent most of the day doing more orientation/on hill training type stuff, it was a lot better because the run is a lot better than Fortune and it was a lot more fun. The people at my hill are all pretty good so far and it should be a good season. Too bad my legs are like jelly right now...and I wasn't even on skis all day, just for a little while. It's also too bad that I am sick right now and really tired and burnt out. So much in fact that I think I'll save the rest of this weekend's events for an update tomorrow instead of finishing it now. I think I'm going to bed...g'nite.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Winter Arrives in the Capital
Kind of fitting that our first real snowfall of the year comes on December 1st. Yep, it's finally winter in the capital. We had some wicked freezing rain in the afternoon and evening yesterday after it had snowed in the morning. As usual, people forget how to drive on ice and snow and most of us taking the bus were stuck trudging through the slush to get home from the bus stop. At least today it's a beautiful day (albeit still a little messy with all the slush). The snow looks like it's here to stay though so maybe we'll even be able to do our ski test and begin patrolling (and skiing) next weekend.
Speaking of ski patrol, I passed my written test (93%) with flying colors and now only have the diagnostic left (well, and the ski test but it barely counts).
Tonight's the recruit Christmas party from work but it's not really just recruits since it stretches back basically to anyone who has joined StatCan in the last 6 or 7 years. Should be fun. Too bad I can't really drink because I have to be up early for reffing tomorrow. At least I got to drink and have a really good time at the charity party last night for the women's shelter. A friend's girlfriend and her friends put it on. Good times and many martinis all around.
Well, time for some laundry and possibly some guitar playing. Enjoy the winter!
Speaking of ski patrol, I passed my written test (93%) with flying colors and now only have the diagnostic left (well, and the ski test but it barely counts).
Tonight's the recruit Christmas party from work but it's not really just recruits since it stretches back basically to anyone who has joined StatCan in the last 6 or 7 years. Should be fun. Too bad I can't really drink because I have to be up early for reffing tomorrow. At least I got to drink and have a really good time at the charity party last night for the women's shelter. A friend's girlfriend and her friends put it on. Good times and many martinis all around.
Well, time for some laundry and possibly some guitar playing. Enjoy the winter!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Lying in bed...awake...
Ever have your brain running at full tilt when all you want it to do is shut off? That's been happening a lot lately when I go to bed. I'm tired, or know I need to get up early, so I go to bed at a decent hour (11 or 11:30 is pretty decent for me). Then, my brain starts running through everything going on in my life (and if you've been keeping track, I'm not exactly Mr. Free Time right now). Sometimes it's nice to stop and think about stuff you haven't stopped to think about it a while but the problem is that the brain just won't stop. It's firing on all cylinders at exactly the wrong time. And I'm not getting enough sleep because of it. A couple nights ago, I was up until almost 3:00, wide awake and thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. I tried all my normal tricks (I even tried counting sheep in French but that only got me thinking about French stuff) but nothing worked. If anyone else has this problem or has any ideas on how I can avoid it, please let me know.
On a totally different note, I passed my Bloc II French class at work so I should be starting Bloc III in January. At least now I could communicate major ideas across, albeit in simple sentences and at a ridiculously slow pace most of the time. Now I have to worry about my ski patrol testing which starts with the written tomorrow night. Study time...wish me luck (and hope that I can sleep better).
On a totally different note, I passed my Bloc II French class at work so I should be starting Bloc III in January. At least now I could communicate major ideas across, albeit in simple sentences and at a ridiculously slow pace most of the time. Now I have to worry about my ski patrol testing which starts with the written tomorrow night. Study time...wish me luck (and hope that I can sleep better).
Sunday, November 26, 2006
New Design and New Links!
Well, I finally got around to altering my template some. Of course I only picked a pre-made template again but hey, it's different right. And as Arby's tells us, "different is good" (I watch too many commercials).
So let me know what you think and what I should be adding/changing (even if I should change everything because the design is an eyesore or something). And check out the links on the right side. I just typed in most of them by memory so if some of them don't work, let me know.
Anyway, I'm going to get some sleep now. All these changes are making my head spin.
So let me know what you think and what I should be adding/changing (even if I should change everything because the design is an eyesore or something). And check out the links on the right side. I just typed in most of them by memory so if some of them don't work, let me know.
Anyway, I'm going to get some sleep now. All these changes are making my head spin.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Jay's site lives again
So as any of you who tried my links section know, the links are not really kept up to date (or ever changed). Good news for me, if I wait long enough (and bug the "webmaster" enough) some of the links fix themselves. Jay has finally rebuilt his website so go check it out. He actually has some good pictures up there, plus he's a funny guy so you know there will be good stuff appearing in the future (as long as he keeps it up).
I'll be changing the structure and look of my blog sometime soon so keep checking back but for now, that's it for me. I'm off to bed.
I'll be changing the structure and look of my blog sometime soon so keep checking back but for now, that's it for me. I'm off to bed.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Busy, busy, busy
I meant to talk about some of the exciting events happening in the video game world (which of course I am usually fully immersed in) but alas, I don't think I have time for a full review/summary of what I think about the PS3 and the new Nintendo Wii. Most of you probably already know generally what I think anyway. Maybe I'll get to it later (possibly when I have a new console to actually review).
On the topic of not having any time though, I hope for that to change slightly soon. With first aid training only a couple weeks away from being done and French classes almost over until January (when I hopefully start the next block), I may actually have some time to get things that need to be done, done. Then again, it will be December and besides reffing taking up a lot of my time, there will be Christmas parties, holiday activities, and shopping to keep me busy. Guess there's no rest for the weary.
For those that I haven't had time to talk to much recently (or correspond with in any way shape or form), I apologize. Maybe at some point in time when I'm sick of dealing with all the many tasks at work, I'll spend some time actually getting something productive done like catching up with some of you before the holidays really kick in.
For now though, I'll just let all of you know that I'm back in Alberta for Christmas from the 22nd to January 1st. Hope to see all of you that I can when I'm home.
Off to bed with me so I can maybe get a good 7 or even 7.5 hours of sleep for once.
On the topic of not having any time though, I hope for that to change slightly soon. With first aid training only a couple weeks away from being done and French classes almost over until January (when I hopefully start the next block), I may actually have some time to get things that need to be done, done. Then again, it will be December and besides reffing taking up a lot of my time, there will be Christmas parties, holiday activities, and shopping to keep me busy. Guess there's no rest for the weary.
For those that I haven't had time to talk to much recently (or correspond with in any way shape or form), I apologize. Maybe at some point in time when I'm sick of dealing with all the many tasks at work, I'll spend some time actually getting something productive done like catching up with some of you before the holidays really kick in.
For now though, I'll just let all of you know that I'm back in Alberta for Christmas from the 22nd to January 1st. Hope to see all of you that I can when I'm home.
Off to bed with me so I can maybe get a good 7 or even 7.5 hours of sleep for once.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
"What do you mean the lift could break?"
So as you all are no doubt aware, I'm doing my training to become a member of the Canadian Ski Patrol. One of the parts of the qualification (and requalification) is to do a lift evacuation. This basically means getting people down from the chair lift if it ever breaks down (rare, but it can, and does, happen). So in the interest of getting everyone properly qualified, you take turns being evacuated and doing the evacuating (those with dirty minds can stop now). Well, I'm not especially great with heights normally (though a chair lift doesn't usually bother me anyway), but getting me off of a chair lift anywhere but at the top would have been next to impossible...before today that is. It's actually kind of fun. Now the only problem was I did some uncontrolled spinning on the way down and add that to my queasy sick stomach and lightheadedness from being sick this week and it's a little less fun. Anyway, it all ended up okay and we did have a pretty good time. Already looking forward to requalifying in two years time...or doing it for real in the dead of winter (because everyone knows the lift would never break down when it's nice and sunny and warm out).
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Dave The Public Servant
So as most people know I've been working for the government for the last 9 months (at Statistics Canada where I did my internship) on a one year contract. Many of you also know that I was in a "competition" (aka recruitment program) to make that a permanent position with my classification changing to the CS (computer system) stream. Well, I finally got word about the results and I passed!! So as of whenever HR actually gets the contracts done up to be signed, I'll be a permanent public servant. While this actually doesn't mean a change in my job since I'm already doing the work of a CS-02 and I'm only starting at the CS-01 classification, it does mean a raise and most importantly, permanency. I'll probably talk more about it when I know some more details but suffice to say, right now, I'm a very happy camper. And soon I'll be a better paid happy camper with a permanent position for as long as I want (until retirement or until I get fed up with the red tape). Yay!!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Maybe I'll actually finish this post
So here I am sitting hear listening to the Oilers game on a webcast because I haven't ordered the NHL Centre Ice package yet and Sportsnet is stupid and has regional restrictions on the game even though I get Sportsnet West...anyway I digress, like I was saying, I'm sitting here listening to the game I decide to check on some blogs and forums that I haven't looked at for a while. Lo and behold, I check my own blog and realize that I haven't actually posted since the end of August. WHAT? I'm sure I wrote something. So I went and checked and I have 4 half done posts that are saved as drafts and haven't been actually posted because I was too lazy to finish them. Since these are so out dated it seems kind of silly to post them now so I'll just sum them up.
1. PEI was fun. It's a long drive but it was well worth it. Even with 5 of us crammed in the Camry it wasn't bad and we had some good times in the car too but the real fun was had at the cottage. Very relaxing and since we all had a good time, it looks like we'll be back in the spring to open the cottage back up.
2. All of a sudden my schedule has been filled. I figued I'd get busy again in the fall after having a relaxing September but I never thought it'd be this crazy. I'm playing in the Statcan Volleyball league but unfortunately that's all the volleyball I have time for. I'm also reffing but I only really have 3 nights a week and one day on the weekend right now that I can even accept games. This is because I'm playing Ultimate on Sundays and taking first-aid classes for the Canadian Ski Patrol twice a week (more below).
3. Ultimate is an interesting sport. For those that don't know, Ultimate is kind of like football/rugby with a frisbee. It's actually a whole lot different but at least that gives you a rough idea of what it is. Our team is almost only beginners but we're starting to get it together and I'm getting decent at it. We're actually 3-2 in the fall season so far with 2 games left.
4. Ski Patrol. So I've taken the plunge and joined the Ski Patrol. I have a few friends that patrol and it seems like fun (ie. you get to ski for free every week) and a good way to meet people (it's a very social group). I figure it's also a good thing to know first-aid and this is one of the cheapest and most comprehensive courses you can get. It's not just about on hill aid but can be applied anywhere. I'm a little nervous about it but I think it's going to be fun. Unfortunately this takes up two nights of my week plus reading time (and there's lots to read). The classroom training continues until the end of November but then the on hill training and actual patrolling begins so I don't see it slowing down too much.
5. Work. I'm still working at StatsCan in the Tax Data Division. I'm also back in French class so that takes up a bit of time too. In terms of my position becoming permanent, I'm still waiting for final word but my competition is pretty much finished and it looks like I should probably have a spot. This means I'll be getting a promotion basically (and a raise :D) along with a permanent position in the public service. Hopefully HR doesn't take too long with contracts and we find out for sure about everything soon.
Well, that's a quick summary of some of the posts and what I'm up to now. I'll start posting more again when I have time (but as you might be able to tell, time is at a premium right now). There's still a bit of the half done posts left to cover but I think I'm going to crash and fall asleep listening to the end of the hockey game. Go Oilers!
1. PEI was fun. It's a long drive but it was well worth it. Even with 5 of us crammed in the Camry it wasn't bad and we had some good times in the car too but the real fun was had at the cottage. Very relaxing and since we all had a good time, it looks like we'll be back in the spring to open the cottage back up.
2. All of a sudden my schedule has been filled. I figued I'd get busy again in the fall after having a relaxing September but I never thought it'd be this crazy. I'm playing in the Statcan Volleyball league but unfortunately that's all the volleyball I have time for. I'm also reffing but I only really have 3 nights a week and one day on the weekend right now that I can even accept games. This is because I'm playing Ultimate on Sundays and taking first-aid classes for the Canadian Ski Patrol twice a week (more below).
3. Ultimate is an interesting sport. For those that don't know, Ultimate is kind of like football/rugby with a frisbee. It's actually a whole lot different but at least that gives you a rough idea of what it is. Our team is almost only beginners but we're starting to get it together and I'm getting decent at it. We're actually 3-2 in the fall season so far with 2 games left.
4. Ski Patrol. So I've taken the plunge and joined the Ski Patrol. I have a few friends that patrol and it seems like fun (ie. you get to ski for free every week) and a good way to meet people (it's a very social group). I figure it's also a good thing to know first-aid and this is one of the cheapest and most comprehensive courses you can get. It's not just about on hill aid but can be applied anywhere. I'm a little nervous about it but I think it's going to be fun. Unfortunately this takes up two nights of my week plus reading time (and there's lots to read). The classroom training continues until the end of November but then the on hill training and actual patrolling begins so I don't see it slowing down too much.
5. Work. I'm still working at StatsCan in the Tax Data Division. I'm also back in French class so that takes up a bit of time too. In terms of my position becoming permanent, I'm still waiting for final word but my competition is pretty much finished and it looks like I should probably have a spot. This means I'll be getting a promotion basically (and a raise :D) along with a permanent position in the public service. Hopefully HR doesn't take too long with contracts and we find out for sure about everything soon.
Well, that's a quick summary of some of the posts and what I'm up to now. I'll start posting more again when I have time (but as you might be able to tell, time is at a premium right now). There's still a bit of the half done posts left to cover but I think I'm going to crash and fall asleep listening to the end of the hockey game. Go Oilers!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Eastward Bound
Tomorrow evening we set out for the Island of Prince Edward. Five of us are going to cram into my Camry and head off to the cottage (14 hours away) for 4 days (not including driving days). Should be a grand old time and a good way to spend the last long weekend of the summer. Hope everyone else is doing something to send off the summer in style.
Enjoy the long weekend!!
Enjoy the long weekend!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Summer update
Okay, so despite being back from my vacation for a month now, I haven't really posted. There are some good and not so good reasons for that (I'll let you decide which ones are the good ones). First, in case you haven't heard (but it's relatively old news now), Johanna and I broke up. That actually coincided with the same day as my last post, so I was pretty disappointed and depressed for a bit and didn't feel like posting anything for fear of sounding whiny and pitiful. And then I started to get busy and didn't spend much time on the computer at home so I wasn't even reading other blogs let alone updating my own. And then Dan came to visit (he just left a couple days ago now). So finally, here's an update about my summer since I got back from vacation...
First sports: I've been playing a lot of beach in twice a week regularly. It's been a blast. I think I like it even better than indoor. We've played everything from my normal league 4v4 to Saturday morning 2v2 to Saturday afternoon 6v6. It's been good times all around and a different challenge every week. Aside from that I've been practicing occasionally with an Ultimate (frisbee) team that some of my friends have put together. I'll be playing with them in the new season in the fall. That too has been a new sporting experience that I am really getting into. Unfortunately, this all has left less room for golf. So besides on PEI I haven't played. It's too bad but next summer we'll try to change that. I've also been keeping up in my pool league...tournament this coming Monday so we'll see how I do.
Now if sports are taking up my time on the weekends and some evenings, work is keeping me busy the rest of the time. I've finally finished part of my testing on the new database so I've started moving back to the project I'm supposed to be doing more work on. It's been a long and drawn out process but at least it's almost done and I can work on something new. The competition that I am in the middle of, for a permanent position, is still ongoing but they finished marking the tests at least and I passed. Next is the interviews but they're not starting until after the long weekend in September. Hopefully the whole thing will be done by October and I'll have a full-time permanent spot as a CS but I'm not banking on it being done quite that soon (it is the government after all).
I also had a visitor last week. My best friend Dan that I grew up with finally came out to visit. We had a good time. Played some volleyball, Ultimate, and pool and hung out a lot. The War Museum was pretty cool and just going out and hanging out at some pubs and restaurants around town was fun too. He also brought me a guitar book that we used for campfires when we're camping so now I have some more stuff to play (thanks to Dupe too). That book got well used in the short time Dan was here as we took turns playing my guitar late into the night a few times. One of the highlights of his time here though was our trip to Montreal for Warped Tour. We rented a car and drove down last Sunday. It was the last stop on the tour so the merchandise wasn't that great but the shows were awesome, albeit very dusty from all the sand in the mosh pits. Good times. I'm glad he came out to visit and hopefully he comes again soon (soon being at the latest, next summer).
Anyway, that's a hefty enough update (there you go Adam, now I demand an update too). I'll make time for more soon.
First sports: I've been playing a lot of beach in twice a week regularly. It's been a blast. I think I like it even better than indoor. We've played everything from my normal league 4v4 to Saturday morning 2v2 to Saturday afternoon 6v6. It's been good times all around and a different challenge every week. Aside from that I've been practicing occasionally with an Ultimate (frisbee) team that some of my friends have put together. I'll be playing with them in the new season in the fall. That too has been a new sporting experience that I am really getting into. Unfortunately, this all has left less room for golf. So besides on PEI I haven't played. It's too bad but next summer we'll try to change that. I've also been keeping up in my pool league...tournament this coming Monday so we'll see how I do.
Now if sports are taking up my time on the weekends and some evenings, work is keeping me busy the rest of the time. I've finally finished part of my testing on the new database so I've started moving back to the project I'm supposed to be doing more work on. It's been a long and drawn out process but at least it's almost done and I can work on something new. The competition that I am in the middle of, for a permanent position, is still ongoing but they finished marking the tests at least and I passed. Next is the interviews but they're not starting until after the long weekend in September. Hopefully the whole thing will be done by October and I'll have a full-time permanent spot as a CS but I'm not banking on it being done quite that soon (it is the government after all).
I also had a visitor last week. My best friend Dan that I grew up with finally came out to visit. We had a good time. Played some volleyball, Ultimate, and pool and hung out a lot. The War Museum was pretty cool and just going out and hanging out at some pubs and restaurants around town was fun too. He also brought me a guitar book that we used for campfires when we're camping so now I have some more stuff to play (thanks to Dupe too). That book got well used in the short time Dan was here as we took turns playing my guitar late into the night a few times. One of the highlights of his time here though was our trip to Montreal for Warped Tour. We rented a car and drove down last Sunday. It was the last stop on the tour so the merchandise wasn't that great but the shows were awesome, albeit very dusty from all the sand in the mosh pits. Good times. I'm glad he came out to visit and hopefully he comes again soon (soon being at the latest, next summer).
Anyway, that's a hefty enough update (there you go Adam, now I demand an update too). I'll make time for more soon.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I'm back
So as some of you know I was gone to PEI for a short vacation for the last 10 days. It was great and I'm sorry that I have to get back to work (especially with the problems I had at work today). But that's life. I'll post some more about the vacation along with some pictures later but here's a (very) brief synopsis...
-went golfing, sailing, canoeing, swimming
-went to a couple of plays
-went to my cousin's wedding (congratulations Rachel!)
-spent some time around our cottage (a lot of cleaning and other work but some relaxing)
-visited with the family
Anyway, that pretty much sums it up for now. I'm looking forward to playing more volleyball now that summer is in full swing but I'm also looking to get back into tennis and squash and get some rounds of golf in for that. If that's your cup of tea, let me know and we'll get together sometime to play.
-went golfing, sailing, canoeing, swimming
-went to a couple of plays
-went to my cousin's wedding (congratulations Rachel!)
-spent some time around our cottage (a lot of cleaning and other work but some relaxing)
-visited with the family
Anyway, that pretty much sums it up for now. I'm looking forward to playing more volleyball now that summer is in full swing but I'm also looking to get back into tennis and squash and get some rounds of golf in for that. If that's your cup of tea, let me know and we'll get together sometime to play.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Superman and other tidbits
It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's Superman. And he's back in theaters. Go see it! Not only is it one of the best comic book based movies I've ever seen (right up there with Batman Begins) but it's one of the best movies I've seen in recent months. None of the corny lines we've all come to expect from that style of movie and not really the same category. Sure it has some action but that's not what drives the movie like many other films.
What else is new...normal things like work, pool, and volleyball continue (I guess that means they're not really new). I've been playing volleyball at the beach at least once a week for about 7 weeks now. It's been really good, especially last Saturday when we had 14 people show up to play on two nets and had some really competitive games. Too bad I'll miss a couple weekends when I'm in PEI next week.
So my parents left Devon this morning to begin the cross Canada trek (with a pit stop in the capital to pick me up of course). I'm hoping they'll be here by the 6th (or the 7th at the latest) so we can get to PEI in time for the World Cup final. The whole purpose of the trip (besides a vacation with the family and to see our new cottage) is for my cousin Rachel's wedding. So we'll have a week to prepare and get some golf and visiting in before the wedding two weeks from yesterday. It should be a good time all around. It'll be nice to have my whole family back together under one roof again (even though it's a new roof for my sister and I). I'm really looking forward to it.
Well, time for a little guitar and then it's off to bed. I wasn't feeling great earlier today, a little dizzy and feeling like passing out, but hopefully that's passed now. Enjoy your Canada Day bonus day tomorrow.
What else is new...normal things like work, pool, and volleyball continue (I guess that means they're not really new). I've been playing volleyball at the beach at least once a week for about 7 weeks now. It's been really good, especially last Saturday when we had 14 people show up to play on two nets and had some really competitive games. Too bad I'll miss a couple weekends when I'm in PEI next week.
So my parents left Devon this morning to begin the cross Canada trek (with a pit stop in the capital to pick me up of course). I'm hoping they'll be here by the 6th (or the 7th at the latest) so we can get to PEI in time for the World Cup final. The whole purpose of the trip (besides a vacation with the family and to see our new cottage) is for my cousin Rachel's wedding. So we'll have a week to prepare and get some golf and visiting in before the wedding two weeks from yesterday. It should be a good time all around. It'll be nice to have my whole family back together under one roof again (even though it's a new roof for my sister and I). I'm really looking forward to it.
Well, time for a little guitar and then it's off to bed. I wasn't feeling great earlier today, a little dizzy and feeling like passing out, but hopefully that's passed now. Enjoy your Canada Day bonus day tomorrow.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Happy 139th Birthday Canada!
Happy Canada Day everyone!!
Today was actually a relatively quiet Canada Day for me in the nation's capital. I just watched some World Cup at home in the morning and then spent the afternoon and evening at France and Ali's house for a BBQ/pool party. Good times with some good friends.
I've got some updates to write tomorrow...topics to come: Superman, GST, NHL free agency, PEI, volleyball, and more...
Today was actually a relatively quiet Canada Day for me in the nation's capital. I just watched some World Cup at home in the morning and then spent the afternoon and evening at France and Ali's house for a BBQ/pool party. Good times with some good friends.
I've got some updates to write tomorrow...topics to come: Superman, GST, NHL free agency, PEI, volleyball, and more...
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I cried myself to sleep
So last night the playoffs came to an end. And of course it was a very unfortunate end for those of us in or from Oil country. Despite the outcome, I know everyone in Edmonton and all the Oiler fans everywhere are very proud of our team. It was an amazing run and one many of us are not likely to forget. Hopefully this is a sign of a new dynasty just beginning. Remember, in 1983 the Oilers lost in the cup final and look what happened after that. Kudos (sp?) to the Edmonton Oilers and their dream-like Stanley Cup run. It was a blast and hopefully we'll do it all again next year with a slightly better outcome.
Sorry I've been not posting recently. Between watching hockey and playing volleyball, pool, and pokerI've been on the go most nights and when I settle down I just don't really feel like typing more (after being on the computer all day at work). I'll get back to it. Right now though I'm going to flick on the tube and catch some soccer highlights (World Cup is filling up what sports time volleyball and hockey didn't).
Sorry I've been not posting recently. Between watching hockey and playing volleyball, pool, and pokerI've been on the go most nights and when I settle down I just don't really feel like typing more (after being on the computer all day at work). I'll get back to it. Right now though I'm going to flick on the tube and catch some soccer highlights (World Cup is filling up what sports time volleyball and hockey didn't).
Monday, June 05, 2006
Cup finals start tonight
This is it...the moment we've been waiting for all season. The Stanley Cup finals. I'm going to go out on a limb and predict the Oilers winning the series 4-2. And while I'm at it, I'll predict a 4-2 win tonight for the boys from the North-West. Either way, it should be exciting...I can't wait!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Post #200
Wow...I've actually posted 200 entries on this thing in just over a year. Hard to believe since I don't actually post as often as I'd like to. Thanks to those people who actually read this. The main reason I do this is to try and keep in touch with people and for the most part it has helped. But me telling you what's happening in my life isn't the only goal, I want to know what you people are doing. My next goal is to update my links so I have links to all my friend's blogs/sites so if you have a site and don't mind me linking to it, let me know.
Well, I have to get ready for the beach and some volleyball. Have a good day!
Well, I have to get ready for the beach and some volleyball. Have a good day!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
WOO BABY!! What a game and what a series! The Oilers are going to play for the Stanley Cup! I'm just bouncing off the walls I'm so pumped. I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight. I only wish I was in Edmonton right now to join in the amazing party that must be going on. I can't wait until the finals start.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Finally a real update
Okay, dishes are done and guitar has been played so it's about time I sit down and update anyone who actually reads this on what's new...
Well I'm enjoying life in my now fully furnished apartment (even though I haven't often been home much in the last week). I'm also enjoying the Oilers' run in this years playoffs (as I'm sure you all could guess). I can't believe how well they're all playing as a team...and that's what makes hockey the greatest sport, a total team effort can drive a team with the desire to win through some of the more skilled teams. Not that I underestimate the skill on the Oilers (where did Pisani come from all of a sudden?) but when you compare them to the Sharks and Red Wings you can't really say the Oilers have the edge in the pure skill department (though maybe they do in depth).
Other new stuff...I've been to two big concerts in the last few weeks. First was INXS the night before my housewarming. Good show with lots of energy and I'm actually quite surprised at how many of their songs I actually knew. Next was the last show on Our Lady Peace's latest tour. A couple of pretty good opening bands kicked it off including the Neverending White Lights. Good show. Then OLP came on and played for 2 hours (including a huge encore with all 4 bands on the tour on stage singing Starseed together, my favorite OLP song).
And on the topic of music, I just picked up 3 new albums lately. The new Red Hot Chili Peppers is pretty awesome with some wicked bass lines and some really kicking funk beats that get your toes tapping. Then yesterday I picked up the new Angels & Airwaves album (the new band of Tom Delong, formerly of Blink-182). It's definitely different but very good. Check it out. And last but not least was yesterday's release of the newest Less Than Jake album, "In With The Out Crowd". I've been waiting for some new stuff from my favorite band and it's satisfied that itch. Not their best album but definitely good and it's growing on me the more I listen to it.
Okay, this is getting pretty long already so I won't go into too much more detail on stuff. Work is going pretty well. I got screened into my CS-01 competition (for a permanent job at StatsCan) and so I get to write a test on June 15th to see if I get an interview for the competition. Right now I'm on an expensive 3 day Oracle database tuning course downtown so I'm learning a bunch of interesting new stuff.
Outside of work life's going very well too. My volleyball net is here now so I can't wait to get out to the beach this weekend. I'm playing guitar a lot and occasionally messing around on my trumpet. I've also been spending quite a bit of time with Johanna (who is gone for a couple of weeks so I have to find something else to fill my time). Speaking of Johanna, we went to the DaVinci Code last Sunday and without going into too much detail because this post is long enough already, don't believe all the critics. I thought it was pretty good. If you liked the book then go see the movie for sure. Most of the trashy reviews are bashing the ideas from the book and not the actual movie. Paul Bettany puts on a pretty haunting performance as Silas the albino monk.
Well I think that's a pretty good update for now. If anyone really wants to know more you should know my e-mail and since I never hear from most of you anymore anyway, drop me a line. Now I think I'm going to listen to a little more Less Than Jake and head to bed early.
Well I'm enjoying life in my now fully furnished apartment (even though I haven't often been home much in the last week). I'm also enjoying the Oilers' run in this years playoffs (as I'm sure you all could guess). I can't believe how well they're all playing as a team...and that's what makes hockey the greatest sport, a total team effort can drive a team with the desire to win through some of the more skilled teams. Not that I underestimate the skill on the Oilers (where did Pisani come from all of a sudden?) but when you compare them to the Sharks and Red Wings you can't really say the Oilers have the edge in the pure skill department (though maybe they do in depth).
Other new stuff...I've been to two big concerts in the last few weeks. First was INXS the night before my housewarming. Good show with lots of energy and I'm actually quite surprised at how many of their songs I actually knew. Next was the last show on Our Lady Peace's latest tour. A couple of pretty good opening bands kicked it off including the Neverending White Lights. Good show. Then OLP came on and played for 2 hours (including a huge encore with all 4 bands on the tour on stage singing Starseed together, my favorite OLP song).
And on the topic of music, I just picked up 3 new albums lately. The new Red Hot Chili Peppers is pretty awesome with some wicked bass lines and some really kicking funk beats that get your toes tapping. Then yesterday I picked up the new Angels & Airwaves album (the new band of Tom Delong, formerly of Blink-182). It's definitely different but very good. Check it out. And last but not least was yesterday's release of the newest Less Than Jake album, "In With The Out Crowd". I've been waiting for some new stuff from my favorite band and it's satisfied that itch. Not their best album but definitely good and it's growing on me the more I listen to it.
Okay, this is getting pretty long already so I won't go into too much more detail on stuff. Work is going pretty well. I got screened into my CS-01 competition (for a permanent job at StatsCan) and so I get to write a test on June 15th to see if I get an interview for the competition. Right now I'm on an expensive 3 day Oracle database tuning course downtown so I'm learning a bunch of interesting new stuff.
Outside of work life's going very well too. My volleyball net is here now so I can't wait to get out to the beach this weekend. I'm playing guitar a lot and occasionally messing around on my trumpet. I've also been spending quite a bit of time with Johanna (who is gone for a couple of weeks so I have to find something else to fill my time). Speaking of Johanna, we went to the DaVinci Code last Sunday and without going into too much detail because this post is long enough already, don't believe all the critics. I thought it was pretty good. If you liked the book then go see the movie for sure. Most of the trashy reviews are bashing the ideas from the book and not the actual movie. Paul Bettany puts on a pretty haunting performance as Silas the albino monk.
Well I think that's a pretty good update for now. If anyone really wants to know more you should know my e-mail and since I never hear from most of you anymore anyway, drop me a line. Now I think I'm going to listen to a little more Less Than Jake and head to bed early.
More pictures from the warming of my apartment
You can go to JP's site for even more...
...or you can look at a few of the pics that France sent me from her camera...
Wei and Ali:

Marc and Sophie:

Other Marc and Ive:

Robyn supervises the poker game:

Aww...Anne-Marie missed Jay:

I honestly didn't think the futon would hold four:

A pretty good summary picture:

And that update is coming, I swear...I've just got to finish doing the dishes first...
...or you can look at a few of the pics that France sent me from her camera...
Wei and Ali:

Marc and Sophie:

Other Marc and Ive:

Robyn supervises the poker game:

Aww...Anne-Marie missed Jay:

I honestly didn't think the futon would hold four:

A pretty good summary picture:

And that update is coming, I swear...I've just got to finish doing the dishes first...
Proud to be Canadian!
How about the fans in Rexall Place last night in Edmonton taking over for Paul Loreau in the singing of O Canada!! Now if that isn't pride in one's country and one's home team, I don't know what is. Kind of brings a tear to my eye and a shiver up the spine.
Check it out here:
P.S. More updates to come since I have been slacking on the posts recently.
Check it out here:
P.S. More updates to come since I have been slacking on the posts recently.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
If Edmonton can play against Anaheim like they did in this series against San Jose they'll win it. Just stick to the good hard nosed hockey and they'll pull through.
P.S. My sister's picture is on the Edmonton Oilers website under the fan pics section. She's with her friends in front of the Fanzoni with the Stanley Cup hat that she made. And she's been on TV a bunch with her Oilers gear on. Go Julz!
If Edmonton can play against Anaheim like they did in this series against San Jose they'll win it. Just stick to the good hard nosed hockey and they'll pull through.
P.S. My sister's picture is on the Edmonton Oilers website under the fan pics section. She's with her friends in front of the Fanzoni with the Stanley Cup hat that she made. And she's been on TV a bunch with her Oilers gear on. Go Julz!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
As promised earlier today, here are some pictures from my housewarming last night. There was a much bigger turnout than I expected but that was good because I got to see everyone and we all had a good time. Thanks to everyone that came and to those that couldn't make it, don't worry, you can see the place another time soon (or look at the pictures that I posted this morning).
Welcome to my humble abode where the conversation was lively all night:

Ive and France (with Jay in the back):

Tracy checking on the baby with Andrew watching the Sens game (Marc and Sophie in the background with Tony bouncing the Yoga ball):

Not only was it my housewarming, but France's birthday is today so we had a cake for that too (Happy Birthday France!):

Ive's little brother Antonio (life of the party and expert photographer):

It isn't a party until the Donkey Konga game is broken out (look how intense the bongo action is):

Jay's classic pose while Kevin, Johanna, and Robyn relax on the new Futon:

And of course a poker game breaks out (with Wei presiding and Cora keeping an eye on him):

Well that pretty much sums it up. I know JP will be putting up his photos sometime so I'll try to link to that when I can since I didn't really get pictures with everyone.
Welcome to my humble abode where the conversation was lively all night:

Ive and France (with Jay in the back):

Tracy checking on the baby with Andrew watching the Sens game (Marc and Sophie in the background with Tony bouncing the Yoga ball):

Not only was it my housewarming, but France's birthday is today so we had a cake for that too (Happy Birthday France!):

Ive's little brother Antonio (life of the party and expert photographer):

It isn't a party until the Donkey Konga game is broken out (look how intense the bongo action is):

Jay's classic pose while Kevin, Johanna, and Robyn relax on the new Futon:

And of course a poker game breaks out (with Wei presiding and Cora keeping an eye on him):

Well that pretty much sums it up. I know JP will be putting up his photos sometime so I'll try to link to that when I can since I didn't really get pictures with everyone.
Some Assembly Required
Welcome to the house (apartment) that Ikea built...or rather, the house that Ikea delivered (or sold me) in pieces for me to assemble. Since I have been living here for 3 months now, I figured it was about time I finished furnishing the place. There is a story behind the troubles in getting all the furniture but I'll save that for later for those few people that haven't heard me whine about it yet (let me know if anyone actually wants the full story). Without further ado, here's my little virtual tour...enjoy!
The View (on today's cloudy day):

The kitchen and front hall (still a little messy from last night's housewarming):

Several views of the living room:

And the bedroom:

Hopefully this gives everyone a little better idea of my place. Pictures are better than words. I know the walls are really white and I need to get something to put up there (namely a huge Oilers flag and to put up my Sens flag) but I figured something to sit on should be my first priority. Anyway, those are my digs...I'm pretty happy with the way it's all come together. I'll post some pictures of my housewarming from last night next, as soon as I do those dishes in the kitchen and finish cleaning up.
The View (on today's cloudy day):

The kitchen and front hall (still a little messy from last night's housewarming):

Several views of the living room:

And the bedroom:

Hopefully this gives everyone a little better idea of my place. Pictures are better than words. I know the walls are really white and I need to get something to put up there (namely a huge Oilers flag and to put up my Sens flag) but I figured something to sit on should be my first priority. Anyway, those are my digs...I'm pretty happy with the way it's all come together. I'll post some pictures of my housewarming from last night next, as soon as I do those dishes in the kitchen and finish cleaning up.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
New TV!!
So Jay's back for a week from Sweeden starting Friday night. So obviously we had to go make our regular electronics shopping trip and I just happened to be in the market for a new TV. So after some careful deliberation at Future Shop I finally bought it. Just a 27" flat tube Toshiba but I like it. I also bought a new 250 Gb hard drive on an impulse at PC Cyber. At least now I have space to download a bunch of movies, TV shows, and put more of my CDs on my computer. Time to shut down the computer and get that sucker installed so I put Bit Torrent to work.
I am Iron Man
Your results:
You are Iron Man
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
You are Iron Man
| Inventor. Businessman. Genius.![]() |
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
No Battle of Alberta this post season
So the Flames are out. I'm actually kind of indifferent about this. Part of me is happy when Calgary loses. The other part is sad that another Canadian team has been eliminated and that we won't have a phenomenal Battle of Alberta like you know it would have been. I guess defense may win championships but when you get no good shots on net and play defense the whole game like Calgary did tonight, you don't score and you lose.
Oh well, the Oilers are just going to have to beat the Sharks instead. Slightly less exciting but just as much of a challenge. GO OILERS GO!
Oh well, the Oilers are just going to have to beat the Sharks instead. Slightly less exciting but just as much of a challenge. GO OILERS GO!
Beautiful Evening and a Beautiful Sunset
It was such a beautiful night that I decided to take a rollerblade down by the river and head down to the beach to see if I could catch the sunset. Now I'm not in the best of shape but I figured I had quite a bit of time to get down to the beach and still catch the sunset with my camera so I took a bit more of a round about route. I had to hussle and boy did it take it right out of me...but I caught the sunset just in time. Here's a few shots I managed to get from a couple different places. It sure was a beautiful sight, the pictures don't quite convey the view. And the best news, the beach looks like a great place to play volleyball :D

Best Buy Prank
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Too much of a good thing
As I have repeated several times...I love this time of year! That being said, there are two problems I have with all this hockey. The first is obvious...I don't get any sleep. Especially now that I'm in the Eastern time zone. Those 10:00pm EST games are a killer, especially when they go into double OT. So as you might guess, I didn't get much sleep this week and post work naps just didn't work out as planned (I take about 30 min to fully recover from what should just be a short power nap).
The second problem is that the powers that be at CBC suck. Why could they not split the network better when they have two games to broadcast. I'm really not happy I didn't get to watch the last Oilers game because not one of the 8 CBC channels I get (I recounted after the last post) is carrying the game. If they weren't going to be able to broadcast both the Calgary and Edmonton games to a broad audience, why not shop it out to another network. It seemed kind of a waste for them to have a whole crew doing the game and everything while only broadcasting to Edmonton and Windsor (two stations I don't get on timeshifting). Anyway, this just proves again why I need the NHL Centre Ice package next season.
Hopefully this just won't happen again, especially if in the next round the Oilers are playing Calgary (assuming Colorado finishes of Dallas and both Calgary and Edmonton win their remaining best of 3's). Well, I should clean some more stuff up before hockey starts up again this afternoon. Triple header today...woo hoo!
The second problem is that the powers that be at CBC suck. Why could they not split the network better when they have two games to broadcast. I'm really not happy I didn't get to watch the last Oilers game because not one of the 8 CBC channels I get (I recounted after the last post) is carrying the game. If they weren't going to be able to broadcast both the Calgary and Edmonton games to a broad audience, why not shop it out to another network. It seemed kind of a waste for them to have a whole crew doing the game and everything while only broadcasting to Edmonton and Windsor (two stations I don't get on timeshifting). Anyway, this just proves again why I need the NHL Centre Ice package next season.
Hopefully this just won't happen again, especially if in the next round the Oilers are playing Calgary (assuming Colorado finishes of Dallas and both Calgary and Edmonton win their remaining best of 3's). Well, I should clean some more stuff up before hockey starts up again this afternoon. Triple header today...woo hoo!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Tis the season...for beach volleyball
After work today I did something I didn't think I'd be doing for a few weeks yet...played beach volleyball. We went to Mooney's Bay after work and played some 3 on 3 for a couple of hours. Granted it was only about 12 degrees out but it was clear, sunny, and generally beautiful despite the cold sand. It was good to get back into it, I can't wait until it becomes a regular occurance at least once a week. Maybe I'll even get back into shape (a shape other than round anyway).
In other news, many of you know I bought a couch from IKEA but much to my frustration, when they came to deliver it we couldn't quite get it through the door from the hallway into my apartment. I'm none too pleased but I guess that's the way it goes. Now I'm stuck looking for a couch...again. Hopefully I can find one this weekend.
Well, I'm going to get cleaning. I'd be watching the Oilers' game but none of the 7 CBC's I get (including all my timeshifted channels) get the game. I'm not too impressed. Guess I'll have to listen to it on the internet radio (which I'm doing right now and they just scored...yay). If they can pull it off tonight they have a great chance at completing the upset. GO OILERS GO!
In other news, many of you know I bought a couch from IKEA but much to my frustration, when they came to deliver it we couldn't quite get it through the door from the hallway into my apartment. I'm none too pleased but I guess that's the way it goes. Now I'm stuck looking for a couch...again. Hopefully I can find one this weekend.
Well, I'm going to get cleaning. I'd be watching the Oilers' game but none of the 7 CBC's I get (including all my timeshifted channels) get the game. I'm not too impressed. Guess I'll have to listen to it on the internet radio (which I'm doing right now and they just scored...yay). If they can pull it off tonight they have a great chance at completing the upset. GO OILERS GO!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
HUGE DOUBLE OT WIN!! And for the second night in a row I'm going to bed after 2am and I'll be getting up before 7...I love playoff time.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Happy Long Weekend
Well, Thursday's volleyball didn't go quite as planned and we ended up losing (again). Oh well, it was fun playing with that team and in the competitive division. I think we're all going to play again together next year and I might play beach volleyball with some of them as well. The couch and TV shopping yesterday didn't go so well either. Everything in Ontario was closed so Anne-Marie and I went to shop on the French side. I did manage to purchase a webcam though so if anyone (especially those already on my messenger list) have a webcam (or even a mic) and we can chat a little easier. Anyway, today is kind of crummy weather outside (as opposed to yesterday when it was beautiful) so I think it will be a cleaning day. Oh, and time to finish my French homework. Enjoy the long weekend everyone!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Updates Galore
Okay, so I've been lax the last couple of weeks so this is a long update and I'm going to roll several posts into one. Go get a glass of water or something to drink, you might want something to drink while you read. Go ahead, I'll wait... ... ...back already, okay, here it goes...
B-Tier Champions!!
So in the Statcan league we play in the B Division and tonight we won the division championship! Yay us! It was a hard fought battle but we played probably our best match of the year at just the right time. Tomorrow night it's off to play with half of the team that we just beat in the Statcan league when I play in the competitive division of the OSSC league (Ottawa Sport and Social Club). It should be a lot of fun and since it's the last game of the year and it's a long weekend coming up, it should be a fun evening. I'm still trying to decide if I should play beach volleyball in an organized league or only take my net down to the beach and play with friends. We'll see.
In the last couple of weeks I saw a few new movies. I still haven't seen Ice Age despite a few attempts to get to that one (don't laugh, I like some kiddie movies). However I have managed to see V for Vendetta and Inside Man. Both were pretty good flicks and I would recommend them. The one catch is that you have to ignore a small part of V near the end because it cornballs the whole movie. Inside Man is awesome though. If you like cop movies, or especially if you liked a movie like Oceans Eleven, you're going to like Inside Man. Go see it.
Music & TV
So I've been watching Grey's Anatomy quite a bit lately (I even bought the first season on DVD). That show has some really awesome music. One of the episodes is where I first heard Anna Nalick. If you like stuff like Missy Higgins (Australian artist) or some accoustic and piano stuff, you'll like Anna Nalick. She actually opened for Rob Thomas on his recent tour. I picked up her CD a little while ago. You should definitely check her stuff out (if you like that kind of music). Also check out Grey's Anatomy since it's such a good funny drama.
Apartment Update
Well, I've been living here for a while now and I'm pretty much settled in. I spend most of my time at home either on the computer, reading a book, or playing guitar. As much as the TV is often on (to provide some background noise/music), I don't find that I'm watching it that much. Despite that, I really should get a new TV. But really what I need is a least sometime before my housewarming at the start of May. So I'll post some pictures soon, honest. I even have a few on my drive of sunsets from my balcony but I'll get some of the inside once I finish getting furniture.
Work and the rest of my life
Well, work pretty much is most of the rest of my life. Besides pool and what I've mentioned so far, there isn't much going on that isn't work. A couple weeks ago I took a course on a piece of software a lot of Statcan uses for a few days. I've also been pretty busy doing normal work. On top of that I just started my French language training. Laugh it up...soon I'll be able to...introduce myself and ask you what your profession is (actually I can already do that but it's only the beginning).
Anyway, that pretty much wraps it up for now. Obviously I can't really leave updates this long. I realize now that I even managed to leave out any talk of hockey (which is pretty hard to do at this point in the season but that can wait for later). Well I'm tired after all that typing so I'm going to strum the old guitar a bit and go to bed.
B-Tier Champions!!
So in the Statcan league we play in the B Division and tonight we won the division championship! Yay us! It was a hard fought battle but we played probably our best match of the year at just the right time. Tomorrow night it's off to play with half of the team that we just beat in the Statcan league when I play in the competitive division of the OSSC league (Ottawa Sport and Social Club). It should be a lot of fun and since it's the last game of the year and it's a long weekend coming up, it should be a fun evening. I'm still trying to decide if I should play beach volleyball in an organized league or only take my net down to the beach and play with friends. We'll see.
In the last couple of weeks I saw a few new movies. I still haven't seen Ice Age despite a few attempts to get to that one (don't laugh, I like some kiddie movies). However I have managed to see V for Vendetta and Inside Man. Both were pretty good flicks and I would recommend them. The one catch is that you have to ignore a small part of V near the end because it cornballs the whole movie. Inside Man is awesome though. If you like cop movies, or especially if you liked a movie like Oceans Eleven, you're going to like Inside Man. Go see it.
Music & TV
So I've been watching Grey's Anatomy quite a bit lately (I even bought the first season on DVD). That show has some really awesome music. One of the episodes is where I first heard Anna Nalick. If you like stuff like Missy Higgins (Australian artist) or some accoustic and piano stuff, you'll like Anna Nalick. She actually opened for Rob Thomas on his recent tour. I picked up her CD a little while ago. You should definitely check her stuff out (if you like that kind of music). Also check out Grey's Anatomy since it's such a good funny drama.
Apartment Update
Well, I've been living here for a while now and I'm pretty much settled in. I spend most of my time at home either on the computer, reading a book, or playing guitar. As much as the TV is often on (to provide some background noise/music), I don't find that I'm watching it that much. Despite that, I really should get a new TV. But really what I need is a least sometime before my housewarming at the start of May. So I'll post some pictures soon, honest. I even have a few on my drive of sunsets from my balcony but I'll get some of the inside once I finish getting furniture.
Work and the rest of my life
Well, work pretty much is most of the rest of my life. Besides pool and what I've mentioned so far, there isn't much going on that isn't work. A couple weeks ago I took a course on a piece of software a lot of Statcan uses for a few days. I've also been pretty busy doing normal work. On top of that I just started my French language training. Laugh it up...soon I'll be able to...introduce myself and ask you what your profession is (actually I can already do that but it's only the beginning).
Anyway, that pretty much wraps it up for now. Obviously I can't really leave updates this long. I realize now that I even managed to leave out any talk of hockey (which is pretty hard to do at this point in the season but that can wait for later). Well I'm tired after all that typing so I'm going to strum the old guitar a bit and go to bed.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Happy Hump Day
Mid-week...and it's a good day. It's a beautiful warm sunny day outside in Ottawa and though I'm stuck inside at a course, at least I can look out the window. And it was nice to be outside this morning. The other reason it's a good day, volleyball tonight. It's playoff time in the Statscan league and we are looking to win the whole B division. It should be an easy game tonight but I'm sure it'll be fun. Tomorrow I'm subbing for the same competitive team I subbed for last week. Hopefully my legs hold up a little better this week. Well, break's over so it's time to get back to the wonderful world of SAS *yuck*.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Saturday night hockey update
Well, two periods in the book for the Habs and Leafs and Sens and Flyers. Also, the University of Alberta Golden Bears are on their way to defend their title tomorrow as they dominate the McGill Redmen 5-1. GO BEARS GO! I can't wait until tomorrow's final. I wish I was still in Edmonton to be there for it. I'm sure there will be some partying done tonight...and hopefully tomorrow.
As for the NHL games, the Sens came out really flat and were lit up for 4 goals pretty quick. With the help of former Oiler goaltender Mike Morrison who relieved Ray Emery, the Sens are on the march to get back in the game, scoring in the second (almost two goals but I won't get into that). The Habs let Toronto get the first goal of the game in the other important Eastern matchup but came back to buildup a 5-1 lead going into the third. This could be the knockout punch that pushes the Leafs out of the playoff picture (hopefully). Maybe the sports news networks can focus on teams that still have a hope of making/going far in the playoffs rather than the practically done Leafs.
Well, back to the game...I love Saturday nights!
As for the NHL games, the Sens came out really flat and were lit up for 4 goals pretty quick. With the help of former Oiler goaltender Mike Morrison who relieved Ray Emery, the Sens are on the march to get back in the game, scoring in the second (almost two goals but I won't get into that). The Habs let Toronto get the first goal of the game in the other important Eastern matchup but came back to buildup a 5-1 lead going into the third. This could be the knockout punch that pushes the Leafs out of the playoff picture (hopefully). Maybe the sports news networks can focus on teams that still have a hope of making/going far in the playoffs rather than the practically done Leafs.
Well, back to the game...I love Saturday nights!
Hockey Hockey Hockey Hockey
It's that time of the week again. And tonight is an even more special night because the U of A is playing in the national semi-final as well as a major night for 5 of the 6 Canadian NHL teams. So as the games start I'm going to park my butt and cook up some mozza sticks.
Go Bears Go!
Go Oilers Go!
Go Sens Go!
Go Habs Go!
(in that order...aproximately)
Go Bears Go!
Go Oilers Go!
Go Sens Go!
Go Habs Go!
(in that order...aproximately)
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Legs of Jelly
Boy it feels good to play competitive volleyball again! Not that the Statscan league isn't good, it's challenging in its own way and is a whole lot of fun but the team I subbed for tonight, wow. It's the competitive division of OSSC (Ottawa wide sports and rec organization) and we played one of the top teams (the team I played on is a basement dweller in the division but still pretty good). It was fast, hard hitting and I played pretty good for someone who hasn't played at that level for a couple years. And of course since I can jump (somewhat less than what I used to be able to do but still better than most) I was stuck playing middle, a position my short stature is not built for. But I had some huge blocks on some 6'2" guys and a couple of major kills. Plus I played some pretty good defense and dug up some huge hits (some luck was involved in this). Anyway, my legs are killing me and we only played 3 games but they were intense and I loved it.
That all being said, I'm headed for bed. At least tomorrow is Friday.
That all being said, I'm headed for bed. At least tomorrow is Friday.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Hockey Night in Canada
Well, it's Saturday night and guess where I am...parked squarely in front of the glowing box as are many Canadians on every Saturday night. I do have one major issue with the sports broadcasting in Canada (more specifically in Ontario) and that would be the intense focus on Toronto. Not that this is a whole lot different than a lot of other news coverage or anything in Canada but for sports it just annoys me that much more. Every set of sports highlights starts and ends with something to do with the Maple Leafs, or the Raptors, or the Jays. Even when the Leafs aren't playing that night or didn't have a game the night before, the geniuses at Sportsnet and TSN still find some little bit pertaining to the Leafs to show and waste our time. CBC is even worse. Did you know that Toronto plays every Saturday of the season and is always the the early game on Hockey Night in Canada this season? That's just rediculous. At least tonight I don't have to put up with the lame Leafs thanks to my timeshifting cable package and coverage of the Montreal game (which is turning out to be a great game by the way). At least soon we won't have to hear as much about the Leafs because the playoffs are coming and I don't think Toronto is going to make it...yay!
Speaking of the playoffs...I think the Oilers could go deep this year...seriously for real this time. I was hesitant at first but Roloson has found his place in Edmonton now and it looks like he's starting to settle and play like the #1 goalie we were looking for. And Samsonov...what a great pick up. 4 points already with the oil drop on his chest and I think the good times will only get better. We'll see how the Oilers do tonight against Detroit but I'm definitely looking forward to the game. Well, I'd better make some supper before Don Cherry comes on so it's ready for the second period of the Habs game.
Speaking of the playoffs...I think the Oilers could go deep this year...seriously for real this time. I was hesitant at first but Roloson has found his place in Edmonton now and it looks like he's starting to settle and play like the #1 goalie we were looking for. And Samsonov...what a great pick up. 4 points already with the oil drop on his chest and I think the good times will only get better. We'll see how the Oilers do tonight against Detroit but I'm definitely looking forward to the game. Well, I'd better make some supper before Don Cherry comes on so it's ready for the second period of the Habs game.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Video Clip
I just had a friend send me this link to a really cool video clip. Take a look, especially if you like the Simpsons.
And yes...for those that are wondering, I am going to post again soon. Right now I'm just a little hungry and would like to eat first.
And yes...for those that are wondering, I am going to post again soon. Right now I'm just a little hungry and would like to eat first.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I'm a procrastinator
Yeah, yeah, it's been a few weeks since I posted. And despite my best efforts to start a post, I always end up saving the draft of it and putting it aside to finish it later. Well it's later, and I don't feel like finishing those posts. Some about the olympics, others about the NHL trade deadline (about to hit in 15 min by the way which is why I'm on the net right now at work), others about random thoughts.
Here's a summary of the olympics first:
Canada did extremely well. Despite the many 4th place finishes that could have been medals had the athletes had that extra little push or training (I blame some of this on lack of amature athlete funding) we still managed to finish with the best medal total at an olympics ever (for Canada). This is also in spite of the men's hockey team not medalling (don't get me started, it still is a sore spot with me). Much of this total comes from Cindy Klaussen. Amazing athlete and my vote for Canadian athlete of the year...not to mention athlete of the games. Ok, so there's my olympic wrap minus the rant that I have let defuse.
Summary of the NHL and the trade deadline:
As I write this post the last few trades will trickle in so pardon me if I interrupt myself with an update. So far there hasn't been any really huge trades with the possible exception of Theodore for Aebischer. It's still been incredibly exciting for me and I love watching the rumor sites and message board discussions over possible trades. Next will come the analysis of what happened (or didn't happen) and that part is almost as fun. As for my Oilers...we lost possibly our best goalie (Morrison) to Ottawa on waivers but gained an even better one in Roloson coming back in a trade with Minnisota. I was a little unsure of Rollie the Goalie at first but I think it'll prove to be a good trade. Hopefully he's the answer to the goaltending problems in Edmonton and the Oilers go deep in the playoffs (or all the way to the cup if we're lucky). I'll probably end up writing more about hockey in the next couple days but again, we'll see.
Summary of my life right now in general:
Good. Not super fantabulous or anything but everything is going well. I've been getting some exercise playing badminton and volleyball, I'm still enjoying pool (and am back to helping run the league), and am getting more and more comfortable in my new place. I still need a couch and TV though. The one snag that has hit is that I need a smaller couch or at least a couch that can fit through my smaller front door. This could be a problem but one that I'm going to have to work around. Work is going well and I'm starting to get a lot of stuff to do. Not all of it is glamorous and exciting (to some of you my job is never that) but it's a living and I enjoy the people I work with and most of what I do.
Anyway, that's the update as it stands right now. Hopefully I'll write again soon.
Here's a summary of the olympics first:
Canada did extremely well. Despite the many 4th place finishes that could have been medals had the athletes had that extra little push or training (I blame some of this on lack of amature athlete funding) we still managed to finish with the best medal total at an olympics ever (for Canada). This is also in spite of the men's hockey team not medalling (don't get me started, it still is a sore spot with me). Much of this total comes from Cindy Klaussen. Amazing athlete and my vote for Canadian athlete of the year...not to mention athlete of the games. Ok, so there's my olympic wrap minus the rant that I have let defuse.
Summary of the NHL and the trade deadline:
As I write this post the last few trades will trickle in so pardon me if I interrupt myself with an update. So far there hasn't been any really huge trades with the possible exception of Theodore for Aebischer. It's still been incredibly exciting for me and I love watching the rumor sites and message board discussions over possible trades. Next will come the analysis of what happened (or didn't happen) and that part is almost as fun. As for my Oilers...we lost possibly our best goalie (Morrison) to Ottawa on waivers but gained an even better one in Roloson coming back in a trade with Minnisota. I was a little unsure of Rollie the Goalie at first but I think it'll prove to be a good trade. Hopefully he's the answer to the goaltending problems in Edmonton and the Oilers go deep in the playoffs (or all the way to the cup if we're lucky). I'll probably end up writing more about hockey in the next couple days but again, we'll see.
Summary of my life right now in general:
Good. Not super fantabulous or anything but everything is going well. I've been getting some exercise playing badminton and volleyball, I'm still enjoying pool (and am back to helping run the league), and am getting more and more comfortable in my new place. I still need a couch and TV though. The one snag that has hit is that I need a smaller couch or at least a couch that can fit through my smaller front door. This could be a problem but one that I'm going to have to work around. Work is going well and I'm starting to get a lot of stuff to do. Not all of it is glamorous and exciting (to some of you my job is never that) but it's a living and I enjoy the people I work with and most of what I do.
Anyway, that's the update as it stands right now. Hopefully I'll write again soon.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Olympic Hockey is turned sideways and some good shows to watch
First off, let me just say that I am sorry for not posting my hundreds of olympic thoughts from these games. I get ready to post almost every day and then something comes up (usually more olympic coverage) and I end up going to bed instead of getting on the computer. Tonight I finally had enough and will forsake the extra 15 min of sleep so that I can post some thoughts.
Olympic thought #1: Women's Hockey...Canada "running up the score" in the round robin. First off, that is competitiveness and not unsportsmanlike. If goal differential held no meaning, I can see some people believing that but come on, these ladies train hard to play at their peak level. If that level is too much for other nations that are just beginning to develop their programs, and sorry if this sounds a little harsh, TOO BAD. You can learn a lot by playing the best team in the world and getting your butt kicked. Now the other shocker in Women's hockey is of course the upset of the USA by Sweeden in the semi-final. This creates the first major championship game that is not US vs Canada in Women's international ice hockey. Good for Sweeden and good for the sport. I'm not going to say this is a free gold medal now for Canada because upsets do happen but...well, it's pretty much a lock. That being said, good luck to the ladies in red and white and bring home another gold.
Olympic thought #2: Men's Hockey...what else can I say besides, "What the hell are you guys doing?" It's one thing to have a slow start and have to come back. It's another thing altogether when you don't even get close to having a comeback. Their play in the last two games has been horrendous. Sure they got a lot of shots on net and had some good scoring chances. Sure the goalies in both of their last games have been running hot and made some great saves but still. They're basically an NHL all-star team and they can't get a goal (that was called anyway) in back to back games? Come on. They'd better wake up quick or the Slovaks are or Russians are going to pound them in the quarter-finals. I think they need a swift kick in the ass so give'em hell Gretz because Pat Quinn just sucks and he can't seem to do it.
All other olympic thoughts will be left for another time because I'm getting on to the other topic of this post, great shows to watch.
For those Sci-Fi freaks (like me) there is Battlestar Galactica. A show that I have been repeatedly told was amazing (and according to Wei is the best show ever) but that I had never actually sat down to watch. So I started watching it from the beginning, starting with the miniseries and moving on to the actual series. I have to say it's pretty good and I can't wait to watch the next episode when I have time.
Another Sci-Fi show...Stargate Atlantis. If you liked the first one, this one is pretty good too. I haven't gotten totally into it but it is a good show and when the first 2 seasons finish downloading I'll be sure to watch them all.
Next is a show that I might take some flak for watching (kind of a girly comedic drama)...Grey's Anatomy. I recommend you at least watch a few episodes. The last few weeks were awesome. Plus there is some really kick ass background music in a lot of the shows by some relatively unknown, but great, musicians. Check out the show's website to see some of the songs if you want to know what they were after watching the show.
Last but definitely not least...The Daily Show. I can't say enough about Jon Stewart and this show. Even if you don't understand a lot of American politics this show will still crack you up. Check it out for sure.
That's about all I have to say right now but I'll be sure to get some more olympic thoughts in some musical thoughts as well. Good night for now.
Olympic thought #1: Women's Hockey...Canada "running up the score" in the round robin. First off, that is competitiveness and not unsportsmanlike. If goal differential held no meaning, I can see some people believing that but come on, these ladies train hard to play at their peak level. If that level is too much for other nations that are just beginning to develop their programs, and sorry if this sounds a little harsh, TOO BAD. You can learn a lot by playing the best team in the world and getting your butt kicked. Now the other shocker in Women's hockey is of course the upset of the USA by Sweeden in the semi-final. This creates the first major championship game that is not US vs Canada in Women's international ice hockey. Good for Sweeden and good for the sport. I'm not going to say this is a free gold medal now for Canada because upsets do happen but...well, it's pretty much a lock. That being said, good luck to the ladies in red and white and bring home another gold.
Olympic thought #2: Men's Hockey...what else can I say besides, "What the hell are you guys doing?" It's one thing to have a slow start and have to come back. It's another thing altogether when you don't even get close to having a comeback. Their play in the last two games has been horrendous. Sure they got a lot of shots on net and had some good scoring chances. Sure the goalies in both of their last games have been running hot and made some great saves but still. They're basically an NHL all-star team and they can't get a goal (that was called anyway) in back to back games? Come on. They'd better wake up quick or the Slovaks are or Russians are going to pound them in the quarter-finals. I think they need a swift kick in the ass so give'em hell Gretz because Pat Quinn just sucks and he can't seem to do it.
All other olympic thoughts will be left for another time because I'm getting on to the other topic of this post, great shows to watch.
For those Sci-Fi freaks (like me) there is Battlestar Galactica. A show that I have been repeatedly told was amazing (and according to Wei is the best show ever) but that I had never actually sat down to watch. So I started watching it from the beginning, starting with the miniseries and moving on to the actual series. I have to say it's pretty good and I can't wait to watch the next episode when I have time.
Another Sci-Fi show...Stargate Atlantis. If you liked the first one, this one is pretty good too. I haven't gotten totally into it but it is a good show and when the first 2 seasons finish downloading I'll be sure to watch them all.
Next is a show that I might take some flak for watching (kind of a girly comedic drama)...Grey's Anatomy. I recommend you at least watch a few episodes. The last few weeks were awesome. Plus there is some really kick ass background music in a lot of the shows by some relatively unknown, but great, musicians. Check out the show's website to see some of the songs if you want to know what they were after watching the show.
Last but definitely not least...The Daily Show. I can't say enough about Jon Stewart and this show. Even if you don't understand a lot of American politics this show will still crack you up. Check it out for sure.
That's about all I have to say right now but I'll be sure to get some more olympic thoughts in some musical thoughts as well. Good night for now.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Hooked up
I have internet! I have cable! It's all ready to go. So far I'm pretty impressed with the Rogers digital cable and the high speed here. We'll see when I start to test the download speeds and when there are Oilers games on the timeshifted channels but hopefully everything keeps up with expectations. So those that have been missing me on messenger (probably isn't too many of you), I'm back hooked up and will most likely be spending more time in front of the computer drop me a line.
On another note, the Olympics have started and I'm already filling up my time with TV coverage. Congratulations to Jennifer Heil on winning the gold in Women's Moguls! A great competition for a great Alberta girl. Let's hope the rest of the Canadian Olympic Team can keep up the roll. Anyway, I'm going to get back to cleaning and watching sports. Go Canada!
On another note, the Olympics have started and I'm already filling up my time with TV coverage. Congratulations to Jennifer Heil on winning the gold in Women's Moguls! A great competition for a great Alberta girl. Let's hope the rest of the Canadian Olympic Team can keep up the roll. Anyway, I'm going to get back to cleaning and watching sports. Go Canada!
Friday, February 10, 2006
Well, the weekend is finally here. It's been a long week of setting up stuff in my new apartment and getting stuff done at work but now it's time to relax (well, almost since I'm still at work writing this). I'm pretty much moved into my new apartment (finally, right Anne-Marie), just my clothes left to move. If you didn't get my new contact info (I just sent out an e-mail) then let me know and I'll forward it to you.
What else is exciting? Anne-Marie is going to visit Jay in Sweeden for a couple of weeks. Another friend, Kevin, is going to Germany for a week and a half (for work). Half of my division is taking off to some corner of the globe in the next month or so (or have already done so). And I came second in a poker tourney at Wei's house last weekend. That only gave the poker bug that has been gnawing at me a taste for the cards and chips still hungers. That's probably why I'm playing again this weekend. And one of these days I'll have to get in on a normal weekly game again (or start one up myself) but I'm nost sure when that'll be yet.
Well, I'd better get back to work. Those database diagrams don't draw themselves (unless you ask them nicely). Have a good weekend everyone.
What else is exciting? Anne-Marie is going to visit Jay in Sweeden for a couple of weeks. Another friend, Kevin, is going to Germany for a week and a half (for work). Half of my division is taking off to some corner of the globe in the next month or so (or have already done so). And I came second in a poker tourney at Wei's house last weekend. That only gave the poker bug that has been gnawing at me a taste for the cards and chips still hungers. That's probably why I'm playing again this weekend. And one of these days I'll have to get in on a normal weekly game again (or start one up myself) but I'm nost sure when that'll be yet.
Well, I'd better get back to work. Those database diagrams don't draw themselves (unless you ask them nicely). Have a good weekend everyone.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Dave has an apartment
Well, it's official now, I have a place to live. I signed the lease yesterday so I guess I'm stuck for a year anyway. The place seems quite nice and I can't say enough about the view (I'll post pictures eventually). Now all I need is furniture...and dishes...and food...and everything else you normally need in a living space. That'll all start tomorrow, and probably continue on for about a year or so until I'm finally settled and then decide to move again. Just the way this type of thing works. At least I'll have my "Ralph Bucks" to help me pay for furniture and the like (if you don't know what Ralph Bucks are or can't figure it out, you probably don't know much about Alberta but I'd be happy to explain it later if you don't get it).
On the job front things are starting to pick up quite a bit. I have a few things on the go right now. Nothing urgent yet but stuff that needs to get done and as of this afternoon, things that are frustrating. Not that most of you would understand the problem (it's a computer database thing), but suffice to say that the company that makes the database software could have made a few things a little more easy to track down. Guess I'll just have to figure out some way to get around it, that's what makes the job interesting.
On the job front things are starting to pick up quite a bit. I have a few things on the go right now. Nothing urgent yet but stuff that needs to get done and as of this afternoon, things that are frustrating. Not that most of you would understand the problem (it's a computer database thing), but suffice to say that the company that makes the database software could have made a few things a little more easy to track down. Guess I'll just have to figure out some way to get around it, that's what makes the job interesting.
Friday, January 27, 2006
The Apartment Search
Well, as many of you know, I have been searching for an apartment here in Ottawa for the last week or so. The last couple days I've looked at 4 different buildings, two being kind of ghetto and the other two (the two I looked at today) being quite nice. Is it the management company that runs the buildings that makes the difference? I'm sure starting to think so.
The places I looked at today were clean, well maintained, and looked to be well prepared for new tenants. This compares to the other ones which had okay suites, but the building isn't as well kept and the attitude of management shows. Again, the people that showed me the places today were very friendly helpful and not really pushy (which kind of surprised me a bit, being a young single male looking for "party pad"). Anyway, in case you haven't guessed by now, I'm pretty gung ho about one of the places I looked at today. I actually put in an application and if I'm serious about it going ahead (which I believe I am), then tomorrow I'm going to put down my last month's rent deposit (instead of a damage deposit for those familiar with that alternate setup). There are a few "issues" with the place but I believe they are worth it.
First, the rent is a little higher than I was first planning on paying. Granted, this place is also nicer than I was first thinking. Second, it doesn't have either a dishwasher or insuite laundry. Again, not a huge issue but did cross my mind. Now the biggest issue is the bus ride. I was planning on getting a place really close to work so I could just walk to work. You know, sleeping in later, less hassle. The kicker is, most of the places near work (the aforementioned "ghetto" places) aren't super nice. Not saying that they're all not good, I know there are nice places too. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that it's more important (especially without a car) to be close to groceries and other facilities than close to work. A 15 min bus ride isn't a big deal to work (even though a bus pass is kind of costly) and it beats the heck out of walking 25 min in the snow with 10 bags of groceries. At least I could be right across the street from a major (24 hour none the less) grocery store. And a Wal-Mart 10 more steps away to boot. Anyway, I'll let you all know how everything turns out.
For now I'm heading to bed. At least this morning I got out of bed relatively easily (only hit snooze twice) and got to work on time.
The places I looked at today were clean, well maintained, and looked to be well prepared for new tenants. This compares to the other ones which had okay suites, but the building isn't as well kept and the attitude of management shows. Again, the people that showed me the places today were very friendly helpful and not really pushy (which kind of surprised me a bit, being a young single male looking for "party pad"). Anyway, in case you haven't guessed by now, I'm pretty gung ho about one of the places I looked at today. I actually put in an application and if I'm serious about it going ahead (which I believe I am), then tomorrow I'm going to put down my last month's rent deposit (instead of a damage deposit for those familiar with that alternate setup). There are a few "issues" with the place but I believe they are worth it.
First, the rent is a little higher than I was first planning on paying. Granted, this place is also nicer than I was first thinking. Second, it doesn't have either a dishwasher or insuite laundry. Again, not a huge issue but did cross my mind. Now the biggest issue is the bus ride. I was planning on getting a place really close to work so I could just walk to work. You know, sleeping in later, less hassle. The kicker is, most of the places near work (the aforementioned "ghetto" places) aren't super nice. Not saying that they're all not good, I know there are nice places too. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that it's more important (especially without a car) to be close to groceries and other facilities than close to work. A 15 min bus ride isn't a big deal to work (even though a bus pass is kind of costly) and it beats the heck out of walking 25 min in the snow with 10 bags of groceries. At least I could be right across the street from a major (24 hour none the less) grocery store. And a Wal-Mart 10 more steps away to boot. Anyway, I'll let you all know how everything turns out.
For now I'm heading to bed. At least this morning I got out of bed relatively easily (only hit snooze twice) and got to work on time.
Monday, January 23, 2006
One week one's beginning
Sorry about the lack of posting this week. For the most part, I was busy when I wasn't at work. And of course, while I was at work I couldn't be busy even though I should have been. Why, you ask? Because I didn't get a computer account until Thursday afternoon. And I didn't have a fully working account until Friday morning. At least now I can get down to work...and work I shall.
Other things taking up my time...volleyball, pool, movies, and of course catching up with friends. Oh and then there was today which was spent entirely in my pyjamas and either in front of the TV or in front of the computer. At least I was semi productive in finding some apartments to check out tomorrow and Tuesday. Hopefully I can find something by the end of the week. There are a few places that look promising but I'm still not exactly sure what I should be looking for. If anyone has any suggestions (places or qualities that I should be looking at), let me know. Anyway, it's about time for me to get to bed so I can actually get up and go to work without being rushed.
Other things taking up my time...volleyball, pool, movies, and of course catching up with friends. Oh and then there was today which was spent entirely in my pyjamas and either in front of the TV or in front of the computer. At least I was semi productive in finding some apartments to check out tomorrow and Tuesday. Hopefully I can find something by the end of the week. There are a few places that look promising but I'm still not exactly sure what I should be looking for. If anyone has any suggestions (places or qualities that I should be looking at), let me know. Anyway, it's about time for me to get to bed so I can actually get up and go to work without being rushed.
Monday, January 16, 2006
First Day of "Work"
Well, I'm back to being a government worker. And in typical public service fashion, I couldn't do any real work today due to the fact that there are layers upon layers of red tape. First I needed my security pass (less of a hassle than I thought it would be), then I need to fill out another form for computer accounts. Oh wait, I signed that Friday. Oh well, take that up to the help desk to get my accounts. Wait, they can't just issue an account because you have clearance already and are already an employee. They have to do another security check of some kind and, "You'll get you accounts sometime between 2 days 2 weeks". So I read what little documentation I could, visited a bunch with those I didn't talk to on Friday, and then pissed away the rest of the day. Not overly unlike my first first day there (where we had an extended lunch and did nothing but really play around on the least we could get on them). At least Jarett and I got some orientation like stuff done last time. I don't need much orienting (is that a word?) this time...I just need work to do and a computer to do it on. Anyway, hopefully *crosses fingers* I will have an account tomorrow...or Wednesday at the latest.
At least tonight I got to go out and play some pool. I forgot how much I missed it. Not just the pool but the relaxed and friendly league that I play in (and used to run) which leads to meeting a lot of really nice and friendly people. Good to see some of the old gang back and still shooting but I missed a few people I thought might still be there. Guess the location move in the last year and other life changes chased a few people off. I at least had a respectable 4-4 record while shaking the rust off. I also managed to squeak out 2 games of Snooker over Mike. Fun stuff. I'm already looking forward to next week.
Well I'd better actually get some sleep. Hopefully it won't just be another long day of sitting on my butt in my office staring at a login screen that I can do nothing about. Here's hoping.
At least tonight I got to go out and play some pool. I forgot how much I missed it. Not just the pool but the relaxed and friendly league that I play in (and used to run) which leads to meeting a lot of really nice and friendly people. Good to see some of the old gang back and still shooting but I missed a few people I thought might still be there. Guess the location move in the last year and other life changes chased a few people off. I at least had a respectable 4-4 record while shaking the rust off. I also managed to squeak out 2 games of Snooker over Mike. Fun stuff. I'm already looking forward to next week.
Well I'd better actually get some sleep. Hopefully it won't just be another long day of sitting on my butt in my office staring at a login screen that I can do nothing about. Here's hoping.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Signed and Sealed
Well, I start my new job Monday. The contract (and all the other government paperwork) was signed this afternoon so on Monday I'll be a "Senior Statistical Clerk". Should be interesting. There was a bunch of changes in the informatics section since I left so I'll have some new faces to get used to but at least there are a lot of friendly faces around as well. Well, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my last day off for a while but I'll let you all know how the first day on the job goes on Monday.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Farewell to Alberta...Hello again Ottawa
Well, I've left the praries behind again. I made it safely to Ottawa and the only trouble was the 1 hour delay waiting for my connection in Winnipeg (the most boring airport in Canada, I swear). I arrived here just over 45 minutes later than expected (we made up some time) and was driven to Anne-Marie and Jason's apartment by a family friend. Only a few hours later (now) and after a supper at Moxie's with Jay and AM, I saw Jay go off to leave for Sweeden where he'll be working for several months. At least I got to visit for a few hours with him before he fled the country. Now I'll do my best to be a tolerable roommate/houseguest to Anne-Marie while I look for a place for my own.
Anyone visiting Ottawa, be sure to drop me a line. To all of you in Alberta...I'll miss you all. To those in Ottawa...I'm back!
Anyone visiting Ottawa, be sure to drop me a line. To all of you in Alberta...I'll miss you all. To those in Ottawa...I'm back!
Saturday, January 07, 2006
What a Rush!
Tonight was the first ever Edmonton Rush game and was it ever a good time. Even though the team lost in overtime it was an exciting and enjoyable event. For those that don't know, the Rush are the newest team in the National Lacross League (NLL). And man is lacross a rough game! Good stuff! Those guys sure take a beating. It wasn't even as physical as some of the games I've watched on TV before but it still looked painful. Anyway, if you like sports (especially physical ones) check out the NLL and the Edmonton Rush.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Happy New Year from Jasper
Happy New Year to everyone! As the title of this post suggests, I'm in Jasper visiting my grandparents and up for one last trip with the folks before I leave for Ottawa. Yep, that's right. In case you haven't heard yet, I'm going back to Ottawa. I (technically speaking) have a contract with the government again. Back to the tax division at Statistics Canada. I only have to pass my security check so hopefully there isn't any terrorist out there with my name or it could be a long process.
I leave Edmonton on the 10th of January but until then I'm going to be frantically packing things trying to get ready to go and to prep things for shipping at a later date. All this while trying to see most of my friends in Edmonton one last time and finishing up my reffing stuff. If anyone wants to try and get together let me know asap. If you're in Ottawa...see you soon. I'll try to post at least once more before I leave.
I leave Edmonton on the 10th of January but until then I'm going to be frantically packing things trying to get ready to go and to prep things for shipping at a later date. All this while trying to see most of my friends in Edmonton one last time and finishing up my reffing stuff. If anyone wants to try and get together let me know asap. If you're in Ottawa...see you soon. I'll try to post at least once more before I leave.
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