Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Eastward Bound

Tomorrow evening we set out for the Island of Prince Edward. Five of us are going to cram into my Camry and head off to the cottage (14 hours away) for 4 days (not including driving days). Should be a grand old time and a good way to spend the last long weekend of the summer. Hope everyone else is doing something to send off the summer in style.

Enjoy the long weekend!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Summer update

Okay, so despite being back from my vacation for a month now, I haven't really posted. There are some good and not so good reasons for that (I'll let you decide which ones are the good ones). First, in case you haven't heard (but it's relatively old news now), Johanna and I broke up. That actually coincided with the same day as my last post, so I was pretty disappointed and depressed for a bit and didn't feel like posting anything for fear of sounding whiny and pitiful. And then I started to get busy and didn't spend much time on the computer at home so I wasn't even reading other blogs let alone updating my own. And then Dan came to visit (he just left a couple days ago now). So finally, here's an update about my summer since I got back from vacation...

First sports: I've been playing a lot of beach volleyball...as in twice a week regularly. It's been a blast. I think I like it even better than indoor. We've played everything from my normal league 4v4 to Saturday morning 2v2 to Saturday afternoon 6v6. It's been good times all around and a different challenge every week. Aside from that I've been practicing occasionally with an Ultimate (frisbee) team that some of my friends have put together. I'll be playing with them in the new season in the fall. That too has been a new sporting experience that I am really getting into. Unfortunately, this all has left less room for golf. So besides on PEI I haven't played. It's too bad but next summer we'll try to change that. I've also been keeping up in my pool league...tournament this coming Monday so we'll see how I do.

Now if sports are taking up my time on the weekends and some evenings, work is keeping me busy the rest of the time. I've finally finished part of my testing on the new database so I've started moving back to the project I'm supposed to be doing more work on. It's been a long and drawn out process but at least it's almost done and I can work on something new. The competition that I am in the middle of, for a permanent position, is still ongoing but they finished marking the tests at least and I passed. Next is the interviews but they're not starting until after the long weekend in September. Hopefully the whole thing will be done by October and I'll have a full-time permanent spot as a CS but I'm not banking on it being done quite that soon (it is the government after all).

I also had a visitor last week. My best friend Dan that I grew up with finally came out to visit. We had a good time. Played some volleyball, Ultimate, and pool and hung out a lot. The War Museum was pretty cool and just going out and hanging out at some pubs and restaurants around town was fun too. He also brought me a guitar book that we used for campfires when we're camping so now I have some more stuff to play (thanks to Dupe too). That book got well used in the short time Dan was here as we took turns playing my guitar late into the night a few times. One of the highlights of his time here though was our trip to Montreal for Warped Tour. We rented a car and drove down last Sunday. It was the last stop on the tour so the merchandise wasn't that great but the shows were awesome, albeit very dusty from all the sand in the mosh pits. Good times. I'm glad he came out to visit and hopefully he comes again soon (soon being at the latest, next summer).

Anyway, that's a hefty enough update (there you go Adam, now I demand an update too). I'll make time for more soon.