Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween

Well, it's another Halloween and me without a costume. I guess it's not really necessary this year since I'm reffing or spending time at the rink all weekend. And inbetween, I'm busy rebuilding my parents computer and enjoying what little time I have to breathe before jumping back into school work. At least I won some money at poker this week almost tripling up my original buy in. That puts me back to about even on poker nights in Alberta. Hopefully I can continue the winning streak next week and so on through the month since I think we're going to make it a real weekly event now (at least until finals). Well, I'd best get to bed so I can get up nice and early for more computer work and reffing. Happy Halloween everyone!

Monday, October 25, 2004

Assignment's done...sort of

Well, the deadline's come and gone and despite me finishing only half of the assignment, I'm strangely satisfied with what I finished. What I did finish seems to work so that means I at least know what I'm doing for some things in this useless class, right? Now I just have to figure the rest of it out for Thursday's midterm.

So besides the midterm, this week is looking pretty tame. As of now I only have one game to ref next weekend (Junior B on Friday) and just one easy orgnizational analysis assignment to do besides the midterm. That means Thursday night is poker night again. I know Jay's got the bug to play and so do I after two weeks off. On a related note, I hear my friend Gordon in Ottawa won $1500 US in an online tournament this weekend. HOLY #%*&!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Ahh distractions

While distracting myself on the internet from my assignment I ran across a few things you should check out...

Bush and Moore Flash Song (funny stuff).

KartVader...ripping around Montreal in a Go-Kart

Jeep Parking Only

Well, if I find some more the next time I go browsing I'll post them...and everyone knows I'll get distracted from my assignment again.

Boy school sucks...sometimes

Well right now I have a love-hate relationship with school. First let's deal with the hate, or maybe just dislike. It involves one of my computing classes (yep, I'm going into bitch mode here so if you don't like it when I do this skip to the next paragraph). The prof is just stupid. He doesn't prepare his slides properly, they're full of mistakes and examples that are done wrong; he puts at least a quarter of the class to sleep every day (including myself); and he gives these freaking hard assignments for these concepts that I'll never use again. Why am I taking this class you ask, because I have to to graduate. That's it, no practical real world application of all this stuff. And the worst thing is that everyone (including the department) knows it and will admit it but never change it. So I'm sitting here right now working on this useless assignment and besides having a hard time, realize that I'll still be doing this all week because I have a midterm in this class on Thursday. Ok, I'm done bitching about that class now.

So besides that one class my other classes are pretty good and I'm generally enjoying my last *fingers crossed* fall semester (of this degree anyway). And as much as some of the people in my department (computing science) bug me, in general the people at university are awesome and I love hanging out there. Just yesterday I ran into a guy that I met in the summer before first year at a summer orientation event. We've never had a class together (he's an engineer) and we don't regularily hang out. In fact I haven't seen or talked to him in almost two years now. But yesterday I ran into him and we started talking like old friends and catching up on everything. THAT is the main reason I love the U...the people. That alone put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

Well, I guess I'd better get back to my stupid assignment which probably won't get done by the deadline tomorrow but I may as well try to get as much done as possible. If someone sees me banging my head in the next few days, you now know the most likely reason.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

This is the perfect time to panic

Well, my presentation went ok even though I went over time and I think I talked a little fast at times. I also managed to notice how I said "so" too much, but I guess that's better than "umm". So now that that's done, I only have to do my final essay and I'm done with all my work in that class. The problem now becomes my other stupid computer classes. My project class is actually starting up the project so that's not too bad but in 325 I'm getting slaughtered. I have an assignment that is due on Friday night (or Sunday if I use 2 grace days) and I'm not even close to finishing it. In fact, I've barely started. It's really too bad that I just don't care anymore. The worst thing is that I actually sat down and tried hard to work on it last night and I really didn't get anywhere.

Midterms went as well as can be expected so far. With my computing one still to come of course. Yesterday I wrote my history exam to make up for missing it when I was gone to Ottawa on Friday. Nothing like doing a test in 20 min. Hopefully that's also a sign of me knowing what I'm doing and I'll do ok.

I also went out and bought a new referee jersey last night. You may ask yourself this question: "If he's reffing then why doesn't he have a jersey already?" Well, it's because I'm stupid and I left it at the arena a few weeks ago and it wasn't there when I went to find it. How I managed that I don't know but I can't keep borrowing Dean's jerseys forever so I went out and splurged and bought a new one. I find it a little hard to choke down an expense like that where I really shouldn't have had to do it but oh well, I'll make back that money in games I do this weekend.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Presentation Time

So I'm up early this morning because today is a big day. Not only do I have my Organizational Analysis midterm but I also have my internship presentation. So typical me, I was up until 1:00 in the morning trying to fix a few last things up. It's not that it wasn't done before that, it's just that I actually had too much (hard to believe) and I had to find places to speed it up. Not to mention that I had to look through my pictures for some pictures of friends and the other interns to throw in.

Obviously I'm back from my trip to Ottawa now...and what a trip it was! The wedding was nice and the reception was a whole lot of fun. Amazing how much I'll dance with a few drinks in me and when I really feel like having a good time. We also went out for a really nice dinner with about 22 people (basically all the younger people that weren't in the wedding party). Besides the wedding I also got to go out and see most of my friends which was great. It's too bad I couldn't stay longer and I'm beginning to see how much I really miss everyone and life in Ottawa in general. Who knows, I could end up back there next summer, you never know.

So thanks to Wei and Esther for letting me stay with them and keeping me full of food. And thanks to Ive for organizing the dinner and otherwise being our cabby for Friday night. And of course, congratulations and thank you to France and Ali for getting married and giving me an excuse to get back to Ottawa. I know they'll live a long and happy life together. It's a good thing I booked my flight early too, because as much school work I have to deal with, I don't think even I could have justified going if my ticket hadn't been booked already. Well, I'd better get to school and start studying, maybe it'll take my mind off of this presentation.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Back to the East

Well, I've only been away for just over a month and a half but I'm already going back. Ottawa is just that appealing...well, and I'm going to France and Ali's wedding. It'll be great to see everyone again, I can't wait. I get there Friday afternoon so I'll have time Friday night to go out and see people. Then all Saturday is wedding stuff and Sunday is open for recovery and more visiting. I get back Monday just before lunch from an early morning flight. The only downfall to this trip is that I lose the weekend to do school work, but who am I kidding, I'd just slack off and not do it anyway and it's more important to go visit my friends in Ottawa. Between midterms coming up and my big group computing project starting to get busy, I really don't have as much free time as I like to think. Hopefully after next week when two midterms and my presentation are out of the way I will realize how much more I have to do. Well, back to the presentation so I can get it mostly done before I leave on Friday morning.

I'm falling into memories of you
Things we used to do
Follow me there a beautiful somewhere
A place that I can share with you
-One Year, Six Months by Yellowcard

Friday, October 08, 2004

Indoor soccer involves a lot of running

So tonight I went out and played with Adam's indoor soccer team for an exhibition game. I'm still not sure if I'll join them for the full season (if they'll take me) but I'm definitely thinking about it. There was more running and exercise than I expected but surprisingly I wanted to play more. Lots of fun though and if it weren't so expensive I'd do it in a heartbeat.

So this weekend I've got three reffing games already. One is only Atom 'AA' but I get to teach some new linesmen so that'll be good. Plus its always fun to do some little kids games and Atom 'AA' is actually pretty good hockey when you consider how old the kids are. It'll be a bit of a change from the Midget 'AAA' I'm doing tomorrow night.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Ok, so it's been a week

And what a busy week it was. I just wasn't home a whole lot. All weekend I was in Stony Plain at my ref clinic getting recertified. It was a good clinic with lots of hockey discussion and old war stories about what's happened to who in past hockey games. When I wasn't at the clinic I ended up going out to play some pool on Saturday and then was reffing after making my parents supper on Sunday. Pool was good to get back to for the simple fact that I hadn't really played since winning the tournament. A little rusty but I felt it all coming back by the end of the night.

Last week Dan and I also hosted our first poker night. We're playing again this week and though I'd like this to become a weekly event, we'll have to take it week by week. I also heard some good news on Wednesday. My friend Matt popped the question to his longtime girlfriend Karla and of course she said yes. They've been together for just over three years now (one week over that is) and I couldn't be happier for them. All the best to both of them in the future. Well, besides all the school work, that's all the excitement in my life right now. I'm off to bed because I have a feeling the only way I'll get anything done tomorrow is to go into the university nice and early and work there.