Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas to all...and to all a good night!

Those of you actually in my address book should be getting a Christmas letter from me at some point in time. If not, fire me off an e-mail and I'll send a copy to you. My e-mail is: "david" -dot- "beck" -at- "gmail" -dot- "com" (if you can't figure out what it is from there, leave a comment). Anyway, I'll probalby end up posting my latest news sometime after Christmas (and it's relatively big news so stay tuned) but for now I just want to wish everyone joy in the season and a relaxing holiday.

Merry Christmas and have a happy and healthy New Year!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Random Post

Ok, I figured I'd get back to some random posting just to make sure I actually kept up with the blogging here it goes...

What's going on with some of my friends right now?
- Dan moved back into the city to live with Norm and Janette again
- Adam left for Egypt (see his blog here)

What music am I listening to lately?
- Coheed and Cambria: "Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness" (longest album title ever) - great disc...interesting sound
- The Trews: "Den of Thieves" - didn't listen to it much for about a month after I first got it but now it's almost always cranked
- Death Cab For Cutie: "Transatlanticism" - Andrew introduced me to these guys a while ago but I never really listened to them much until now
- Yellowcard: "Ocean Avenue" - every so often I get the urge to listen to this album almost non-stop until I get tired of it again (which takes a long time)
- And last but not least: All of my Less Than Jake and Bad Religion discs - I can never get enough of that stuff

Have I seen any good movies lately?
- Aeon Flux - not necessarily the best movie I've seen but it had its moments (most of them being with Charlize Theron wearing the skimpy/tight outfits or the awesome action sequences...hey I'm a guy)
- Episode III - just rewatched it again recently and re-realized that despite all the bashing some people did on the Star Wars prequel trilogy, it acutally ties up quite nicely at the end (yes even with the corny "NOOOOOOO!")

What have I been watching on TV?
- Hockey...always
- Tonight I watched the Ron James special on CBC, Quest for the West. That guy is absolutely hilarious...I was crying I was laughing so hard
- Las Vegas - I'm still hooked on that show

Well, there's my random post for now. If I can't come up with something else to write about I'll probably have another similar post soon. Have a good weekend everyone!

Monday, December 05, 2005

I hate being sick

Don't you just hate that feeling of waking up sick? I have woken up every morning for the last week with that dry crappy feeling in my throat and such a stuffed nose that I feel like if I sit up, there will be a waterfall of...well, "nose juices" running down my face. Guess that means I should get some more sleep or something. And on that bed with me.

P.S. If anyone has any suggestions at which kind of car I should be looking for, let me know. I'm open to pretty much all suggestions but I'm probably looking more in the mid-sized car bracket.