Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I cried myself to sleep

So last night the playoffs came to an end. And of course it was a very unfortunate end for those of us in or from Oil country. Despite the outcome, I know everyone in Edmonton and all the Oiler fans everywhere are very proud of our team. It was an amazing run and one many of us are not likely to forget. Hopefully this is a sign of a new dynasty just beginning. Remember, in 1983 the Oilers lost in the cup final and look what happened after that. Kudos (sp?) to the Edmonton Oilers and their dream-like Stanley Cup run. It was a blast and hopefully we'll do it all again next year with a slightly better outcome.

Sorry I've been not posting recently. Between watching hockey and playing volleyball, pool, and pokerI've been on the go most nights and when I settle down I just don't really feel like typing more (after being on the computer all day at work). I'll get back to it. Right now though I'm going to flick on the tube and catch some soccer highlights (World Cup is filling up what sports time volleyball and hockey didn't).

Monday, June 05, 2006

Cup finals start tonight

This is it...the moment we've been waiting for all season. The Stanley Cup finals. I'm going to go out on a limb and predict the Oilers winning the series 4-2. And while I'm at it, I'll predict a 4-2 win tonight for the boys from the North-West. Either way, it should be exciting...I can't wait!


Sunday, June 04, 2006

Post #200

Wow...I've actually posted 200 entries on this thing in just over a year. Hard to believe since I don't actually post as often as I'd like to. Thanks to those people who actually read this. The main reason I do this is to try and keep in touch with people and for the most part it has helped. But me telling you what's happening in my life isn't the only goal, I want to know what you people are doing. My next goal is to update my links so I have links to all my friend's blogs/sites so if you have a site and don't mind me linking to it, let me know.

Well, I have to get ready for the beach and some volleyball. Have a good day!