Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day Mom!! I wish I could be there for today but don't worry, I'll see you soon.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Too tired to write

Why can't I ever seem to catch up on my sleep?...especially when I've a couple of really long days at work. Here's my two cents of the day before I fall asleep at my keyboard.

- Sens won game 1...WOO HOO!!
- The weather in Ottawa is awesome right now but man is it ever humid...where was the thunderstorm they promised us today?
- Golfing Saturday as part of Tyler's batchelor party...went to the driving range yesterday...I'm so very rusty.
- Can't wait for the PEI road trip next's going to be a blast.

Seriously though, I'm dead tired, and I have to get up for French tomorrow. Maybe I'll kill some time at work (if I can find some free time at work) and post some updates like I keep promising.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Back online but in a slightly different local

I know I disappeared for a while and I really could have posted from work but I just never made the time to sit online at work. So I waited until we had the internet hooked up and until I wasn't busy. It turns out that the first night that happens is tonight (and this is after pool).

As previously mentioned, I'm now living downtown with a friend from pool. It's an old building split into five apartments (one on each floor, plus two small ones in the basement) but it's spacious and very nice. It's actually a heritage building (over 100 years old). So far Tora and I have been getting along great and I'm really enjoying living here. It's also going to be a lot easier on the old bank account so that's a good thing. There's so much new right now and a lot to write about but I'll save most of it for later. Suffice to say it's been an incredibly busy few weeks with the moving, my parents visiting, and life in I'm tired and I need to get to bed. I'll write again soon though and with me back online at home, I should get back to regular updates in addition to some catch up posting this week.