Thursday, May 10, 2007

Too tired to write

Why can't I ever seem to catch up on my sleep?...especially when I've a couple of really long days at work. Here's my two cents of the day before I fall asleep at my keyboard.

- Sens won game 1...WOO HOO!!
- The weather in Ottawa is awesome right now but man is it ever humid...where was the thunderstorm they promised us today?
- Golfing Saturday as part of Tyler's batchelor party...went to the driving range yesterday...I'm so very rusty.
- Can't wait for the PEI road trip next's going to be a blast.

Seriously though, I'm dead tired, and I have to get up for French tomorrow. Maybe I'll kill some time at work (if I can find some free time at work) and post some updates like I keep promising.

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