Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Right back into everything

Well, I guess it's official now, I'm right back into everything that I'm used to back here in Alberta. I had 3 hockey games to ref this weekend and I'm back into finishing assignments at the last minute and slacking off otherwise. I'm going to try to get back to writing here more often but through October I'm going to be quite busy. Actually, despite the fact that there will be an insane amount of stuff going on, I'm actually looking forward to most of it. Granted the midterms and assignments (as well as my internship presentation) can't be avoided but the reffing and my trip back to Ottawa have me excited for the next few weeks.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Poker...not until next week

Unfortunately, the plans for poker tomorrow just aren't going to work. I didn't get enough response and I guess I should probably do my assignment that is due on Thursday anyway since I didn't do it tonight. Plus I might end up reffing. Oh well, there's always this weekend or else if I end up going to Jasper we can just start it up on next Wednesday.

So today I realized how much I'm going to actually have to do homework and reading and stuff this semester. October is going to be hell but I guess that's just me trying to get back into school. I managed to pull it off before with more work and even more stuff to keep me busy so I should be able to do it again. It shouldn't even be that bad even with my huge CMPUT 401 group project keeping me busy. Just a little intimidating when you start filling in a planner (yep, I'm actually trying to use one this year) and you don't see more than three days in a row without an assignment or test or something. I know, I know, suck it up...I will.

And on that note, guess I should read a few chapters to catch up tonight before I go to bed.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Reffing season is here again

Well, I reffed my first hockey game today. It's good to be back at it but boy am I out of shape. I wasn't too short of breath but my legs were just killing me. It's also hard to skate when your muscles cramp up on you. Time to go to the gym. Anyway, the game went ok and I'm looking forward to my next one already.

I also played in the Campus Rec Golf tournament yesterday. My team of three came in tied for third with a -10. Pretty impressive but I guess not quite good enough to win. On the first hole I hit a 280 yard drive and then chipped in and got us an eagle! Anyway, it was a good time and I played quite well. I hope to get out again at least once before the end of the season but hopefully it stays warm enough for me to get out a couple of times.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The calm between storms

Well the first week and weekend back at school went off without too much trouble. I managed to get my internship report done and I don't have any other assignments due this week so I have a little relaxation time. With Canada winning the World Cup last night and me having some free time (for now), I'm feeling pretty good.

This weekend I start my reffing and I get to golf in the Campus Rec Texas Scramble tournament. Should be a good weekend.

Friday, September 10, 2004

First week back

Well, the first week back at school is drawing to a close and boy am I burnt out. I really thought that it would calm down a bit once I got moved in and school started but I couldn't have been more wrong. Between my internship report, cleaning the already messy apartment (and still unpacking), volunteering at the university, and trying to find some social time to see friends, I'm as busy as ever.

Orientation was a blast. My group of kids weren't the most energetic but a few of them stuck through to the end and they helped make it lots of fun along with the fact that I had an awesome TF (Team Facilitator) and a great group of OLs (Orientation Leaders) that I was with. I'm also volunteering for Week of Welcome (WOW) and trying to get out to those events. I went to the Sloan concert last night which was pretty cool because it was in a relatively small venue. It's too bad the opening bands weren't that great but Sloan still rocked. I'm going to the football game tonight where hopefully the Eskimos will be able to repeat their performance of the Labour Day game. Too bad it's going to be frickin' freezing but the crowd in College Corner will keep us warm.

I'm off to my one class for the day and then back to the Student's Union building to volunteer some more.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

New place and Orientation training

So I've been really busy these past few days. Aside from moving into my new place and trying to finish my internship report, I've been doing Orientation training for the last two days. First, about the new place. It's actually not that bad of an apartment. It's very spacious and the location isn't bad (less than two blocks from West Edmonton Mall). We have a corner basement apartment which means our patio/balcony door leads right out onto the grass outside. This will make it a lot easier to come in and out and means we can have a BBQ *YAY*. I'm still trying to get all my stuff settled and unpacked but I've been so busy with other things that it's been pretty hard.

One of these other things is Orientation training. For those that don't know what the heck I'm talking about, Orientation is the program run at the University of Alberta for first year students to learn about the University. It runs the two days before classes start but the Orientation volunteers (like me) have to go in for two days of training before that. Yes, this means I lose my last long weekend of the summer but it's worth it. We had tons of fun at training this year but I am already burnt out. I know somehow I'll find energy for the next two days (plus the three after that for week of welcome) but hopefully I'll have a good group of kids and I can feed off of that.

Well, I'd better get back to finishing up my internship report (yep, it's still not done) and then get some sleep. It's going to be a long, fun filled day tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Back in the Wild Wild West

Well, it's been a crazy 16 months in Ottawa but I'm back in Alberta now. How did it get to be September already? I still remember getting to Ottawa last May...boy does time fly. Some stuff has changed around here but I don't think I'll feel quite at home until after school starts. I'm moving stuff into my new place tonight with Dan. I still actually don't even know the actual address so I'm kind of scared but also kind of excited, aparently it's a nice place but I'll have to post later with my first impressions. Just thought I'd post to say I'm back in E-town and that I'll post again after I get moved in.