Friday, February 10, 2006


Well, the weekend is finally here. It's been a long week of setting up stuff in my new apartment and getting stuff done at work but now it's time to relax (well, almost since I'm still at work writing this). I'm pretty much moved into my new apartment (finally, right Anne-Marie), just my clothes left to move. If you didn't get my new contact info (I just sent out an e-mail) then let me know and I'll forward it to you.

What else is exciting? Anne-Marie is going to visit Jay in Sweeden for a couple of weeks. Another friend, Kevin, is going to Germany for a week and a half (for work). Half of my division is taking off to some corner of the globe in the next month or so (or have already done so). And I came second in a poker tourney at Wei's house last weekend. That only gave the poker bug that has been gnawing at me a taste for the cards and chips still hungers. That's probably why I'm playing again this weekend. And one of these days I'll have to get in on a normal weekly game again (or start one up myself) but I'm nost sure when that'll be yet.

Well, I'd better get back to work. Those database diagrams don't draw themselves (unless you ask them nicely). Have a good weekend everyone.

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