Sunday, July 02, 2006

Superman and other tidbits

It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's Superman. And he's back in theaters. Go see it! Not only is it one of the best comic book based movies I've ever seen (right up there with Batman Begins) but it's one of the best movies I've seen in recent months. None of the corny lines we've all come to expect from that style of movie and not really the same category. Sure it has some action but that's not what drives the movie like many other films.

What else is new...normal things like work, pool, and volleyball continue (I guess that means they're not really new). I've been playing volleyball at the beach at least once a week for about 7 weeks now. It's been really good, especially last Saturday when we had 14 people show up to play on two nets and had some really competitive games. Too bad I'll miss a couple weekends when I'm in PEI next week.

So my parents left Devon this morning to begin the cross Canada trek (with a pit stop in the capital to pick me up of course). I'm hoping they'll be here by the 6th (or the 7th at the latest) so we can get to PEI in time for the World Cup final. The whole purpose of the trip (besides a vacation with the family and to see our new cottage) is for my cousin Rachel's wedding. So we'll have a week to prepare and get some golf and visiting in before the wedding two weeks from yesterday. It should be a good time all around. It'll be nice to have my whole family back together under one roof again (even though it's a new roof for my sister and I). I'm really looking forward to it.

Well, time for a little guitar and then it's off to bed. I wasn't feeling great earlier today, a little dizzy and feeling like passing out, but hopefully that's passed now. Enjoy your Canada Day bonus day tomorrow.

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