Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Busy, busy, busy

I meant to talk about some of the exciting events happening in the video game world (which of course I am usually fully immersed in) but alas, I don't think I have time for a full review/summary of what I think about the PS3 and the new Nintendo Wii. Most of you probably already know generally what I think anyway. Maybe I'll get to it later (possibly when I have a new console to actually review).

On the topic of not having any time though, I hope for that to change slightly soon. With first aid training only a couple weeks away from being done and French classes almost over until January (when I hopefully start the next block), I may actually have some time to get things that need to be done, done. Then again, it will be December and besides reffing taking up a lot of my time, there will be Christmas parties, holiday activities, and shopping to keep me busy. Guess there's no rest for the weary.

For those that I haven't had time to talk to much recently (or correspond with in any way shape or form), I apologize. Maybe at some point in time when I'm sick of dealing with all the many tasks at work, I'll spend some time actually getting something productive done like catching up with some of you before the holidays really kick in.

For now though, I'll just let all of you know that I'm back in Alberta for Christmas from the 22nd to January 1st. Hope to see all of you that I can when I'm home.

Off to bed with me so I can maybe get a good 7 or even 7.5 hours of sleep for once.


Anonymous said...

I'll be in town Dec 12 - 31, so we totally have to hook up during that time.

Llewellyn said...

Wii Wii Wii!

Although I've heard that they haven't used their new technology quite to the extent that they should have to really gain support from the masses, I still want to try it out.
Imagine! Natasha, playing tennis! Gee whiz!

Anonymous said...

Aw man...French classes? I'm jealous!! How well can you speak it? Have you dreamed in French yet? :)

Dave said...

Definitely no dreams in French yet...maybe some nightmares :)

Je parle francais un petit peux et ne pas tres bon (if that's even right).

Anonymous said...

Sounds fantastic to me. Soon you'll speak it better than Tash and I ever could. Then we'll have to kill you. :D

Anonymous said...

I want you to get the Wii! We could have so much fun!! You better bring Donkey Conga home for Christmas too!!! miss ya dave - less that a month till you're home!