Thursday, July 29, 2004

Off to the Island

Ok, this will be fast, mostly because I leave for the airport in 10 minutes. That's right, I'm off to Prince Edward Island for almost a week to visit some relatives (and my parents who are vacationing there as well). It'll be a nice break from work and everything here in Ottawa, though I am missing Tony's 4th birthday (Ive's little brother). Little kid's birthdays are so much fun and we had such a blast last year that I'm sad to say I'm missing it this year. Anyway, I don't know if I'll get time to post from PEI with all the visiting, golfing, and hopefully sleeping that is going on but I'll definitely post when I get back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I hate you!!! I can't believe that you are back at the cottage, and I can't believe you are swimming at the hole without me.. What is this bullshit!!!??!?!

I"m frigging stuck here and the family reunion is in a couple of weeks, which I understad that you aren't going to be there for either... you'll be back here. I just want to be back for the beaches and things... beaches aren't exactly the nicest up here.


P.S. I bought Tony a toy that changes into a "Helicopter, a Train, a cool car(looks kinda likea racer) and umm... a plane I think. I have to get him batteries, because there is apparently an engine that moves things, which is pretty cool.