Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Bourne again

So I've been meaning to post a few times in the last few days but I keep getting interupted by something else so I'm just going to do it from work.

Last Saturday we went to the Bourne Supremacy after Mike and I went and bought the Bourne Identity special edition.  The special edition isn't much more special than the regular version but it was cheaper and came with a free movie pass to the Bourne Supremacy so I thought why not.  I wouldn't say the new movie is any better or any worse than the first one but it's a bit different.  The car chase is really the only scene I have any problems with.  Don't get me wrong, it's a great scene in general and a way more realistic car chase as far as movies go but the camera is constantly changing and shaking around.  This is obviously a cinematic choice but one that I don't particularily like.  All I can say is go see if for yourself, it is a really good movie. 

Last night I went back to pool league for the first time in a few weeks.  I was a little rusty but somehow I got a little lucky and managed to win the A-tier for the week.  Tournament is coming up in a few weeks so I'd better get some practicing in if I want to make a run at one of the titles again.  This pool league is definitely one of the activities I'm going to miss most in Ottawa.  Not that I can't play pool back in Edmonton but the atmosphere of the league and the people that play in it is almost impossible to duplicate so I probably won't even try, though I definitely will get out to shoot some stick whenever possible.  I mean, if I was rusty after a few weeks, just think of how much my newly found skill at pool will go missing if I don't play for a few months.

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