Monday, July 05, 2004

Happy Birthday to Me

Well, another year gone by and another year wiser...yeah, wiser, that's it. It's funny, I don't feel 22. Anyway, not much special going on today, just your average Monday, pool league and all. Besides, we already had my birthday party on Saturday, and what a party. I can definitely say I haven't had a birthday party that good since...well, a long time anyway (which is hard when you've only had 22 of them). We started out by going to the beach to play some volleyball, hang out, and get some sun tans (read: burns). After the afternoon at the beach we found our way over to Ive's house for a BBQ. And wow, did we ever have a lot of food: sausages, hamburgers, pork steaks, beef steaks, salmon steaks, salad, rice, potatoes, buns, veggies, and of course cake and various beverages (including some really yummy Jello shooters) I said, lots of food. We capped the night off by heading to Grace O'Malley's. For some reason I really like that place. Perhaps it's because all the times I've gone there they had a kick ass live band and good music playing in between sets. More good times. So I'd like to thank Ive and Anne-Marie for planning it and everyone that could make it out for coming. It was a great to have so many people come out and hopefully everyone else had as good of a time as I did.

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