Friday, December 03, 2004

It is so not December

This is a little bit of a repeat of a previous post but I still feel this ways so...

My mind is a little confused right now...there is no snow on the ground, it can't be December already. It can't be the end of the semester since it seems like I just got back from Ottawa. But it's so dark so early, there's so much night (even evening) left but every day I feel like I should be getting to bed earlier.

At least I was up again at the end of another poker night (not that kind of up sickos, I just had more money than I started with). Too bad the rest of the day wasn't that great with a pretty big problem arising in my group project when the program is due tomorrow. Guess I've got to get up early again to deal with it...and I was looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, argh.

"Last night I had a dream
It wasn't about anything
But it made me smile
It made me scream"
-SR-71 from the song Paul McCartney

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