Thursday, December 23, 2004

Merry Christmas

Sorry to those expecting a post sooner but I've been busy the last week. As exams ended I geared into Christmas mode and have been busy being jolly and fat with Christmas baking, parties (ish), and shopping. Plus I got sick a couple of days ago which took a little bit of the Christmas energy out of me. But the exams finished well and I ended up with better marks in almost all of my classes than I expected. It makes the holidays a lot easier when you finish off school with good marks.

My grandparents are here at my parent's house right now and tomorrow we all head down to my uncle and aunt's place in Red Deer for Christmas. It'll be another good old fashioned cramped holiday Christmas like it is every year but it'll be good to be with the family again (especially since I haven't seen my cousins since last Christmas). Well I'd better get going, my uncle is coming to visit for the evening. Merry Christmas to all and have a good boxing day whether you brave the crowds in the everlasting search for deals or not. I'll be back and probably posting boxing day night or on the 27th. Stay safe and have a good Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a very merry and safe Christmas as well. Enjoy the season and all the goodies.