Saturday, December 04, 2004

Just a thought

Why do people waste time doing meaningless things like watching TV but don't make time for more important things like keeping in touch? I wonder especially about myself sometimes when I spend quite a bit of time either in front of the computer wasting time (or working occationally) or in front of the TV. If I'm sitting here playing a game or surfing the web, why don't I take 5 min to write an e-mail anymore? Anyway, that should be one of my New Year's resolutions the way I've been thinking; staying in touch with friends is important and as much as I've kind of tried, I don't think I've been seeing/talking to my friends enough lately. That being said, it's a two way street and despite busy schedules, I'll always make time for a friend (even if it means losing some time in front of the idiot box). So if anyone wants to talk or go out for a drink or supper or something, just let me know.


Dave said...

And you don't think I waste time in front of the TV now?

Anonymous said...

It's not my problem that you choose to sacrifice your academic achievement in order to kill brain cells with reruns of "Wild On". I, however, have decided to NOT do that. So sue me.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about Dave, but I would sue you. However, I don't know who you are and have nowhere to send the proper forms, and unfortunatley I have no legal grounds to justify sueing someone for being a pretentious ass. Oh well, I'll just have to console myself with some reruns.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever noticed how the Forbes 500 list is composed entirely of "pretentious asses"? Interesting...not slacking off helps one succeed.

Anonymous said...

Just a sec, I'm having some trouble following your logic. Are you suggesting that Jurgen E. Schrempp got to where he is today by writing judgmental, self-agrandizing BS on their friend's blog in a pathetic effort to make themselves feel important? Cuz if that's all it takes, then this whole school thing is way overrated. It likely is anyway, but that's probably just my Arts degree talking. Well, enough slacking off... I'm going to go see if I can "succeed" in widening my couch's ass groove.

Anonymous said...

It just pisses me off that Dave assumes we're doing "meaningless things like watching TV", instead of "making time for more important things like keeping in touch". Maybe, JUST MAYBE, people don't keep in touch because (a) they just don't care, or (b) they are actually too busy to waste time sitting in some restaurant somewhere making small talk about the few things we actually have left in common. Don't get me wrong, it's fabulous that you and Dave have time that you can take from your studies to watch TV, but that is a luxury that I do not have. And before you say this is a "pathetic attempt to make myself feel important", live my life for a week, not even an exam week, and THEN stop and see if I have time to "keep in touch".

Dave said...

Ok, first things first. That was a general comment, more aimed at myself than anyone else (though I do find the lack of contact with my friends unfortunate). I realize people have busy lives but how much friggin time does it take to write a five line e-mail that says: "Hi, how's it going? I've been doing blah. Talk to you later." As for not caring, that's your problem and just unfortunate. I care about people whether they care about me or not. If that's no longer a positive quality in a person I've been greatly misinformed.

Anonymous said...

Alright, this is too tempting... Sorry, but you know me too well to see me pass this up.

"Hi, how's it going? I've been doing smack, crack, and PCP. Talk to you later."

I think we've been getting too worked up over nothing. Chalk it up to finals stress or something. Let's argue about something else. Such as: It is my opinion that George Bush is not evil or stupid, merely misunderstood. Agree or disagree, with concrete examples.

Anonymous said...
