Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Nothing like posting from work

Well, the server is down here at work so I thought I'd drop a quick post. I've been seeing quite a few movies lately and with all the good (at least good sounding anyway) movies that are coming out this summer I think my movie going habits will continue. But of course I can't go to all of the movies out there (read don't want to waste the time and money) so I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on good movies that are out right now. I've already seen Chronicals of Riddick (** out of 5 by my rating), Harry Potter 3 (without reading the books, ***), and the Stepford Wives (***) but I'm wondering what movie I should see next. Do I wait for Spiderman 2 or is there something that should be seen this weekend/next cheap Tuesday. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Oh, and my volleyball net is here!! Well, not here in my possession but in the process of being delivered (as soon as I can meet the UPS guy). Unfortunately, those money sucking people at the border have deemed that I pay about 25% for an import tax. Free trade with the US my ass. I'll pay the fee of course (I do actually want my net) and hopefully there will be nice enough weather for a game this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Hey... I have no idea about movies :P sorry... but responding to your response to my journal Yes, I would love for you to burn me the Tolcher album... uh.. cd, sorry. I've got cd's/cases that I can give you.

So I take it it was a beach v-ball net that you got??

What's going on this weekend?

Anonymous said...

It's "ChronicLEs", not "ChronicALs", and you should have read the book "The Stepford Wives" instead of seeing the movie.