Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Years Resolutions

Ok, so yesterday I forgot to post my resolutions with my expectations, so here they are:
- Lose weight - like almost everyone else, this is an ongoing resolution that rarely gets fullfilled, but I'll set the goal again anyway; I'm more about just losing some of the fat more than the actual poundage
- Play more music - I want to get back into more trumpet playing this year and hopefully find some kind of band to play with as well as continuing to learn guitar
- Keep my living space clean - for those that know how I live, this could actually be the toughest of all; I'm lazy, everyone knows that, so to clean more often could be tough
- Keeping in touch - well, this blog is part of this, but there are still other ways I want to keep in contact with those friends that I don't get to see much anymore
- Get out more - I've had my fair share of Friday/Saturday nights at home; I want to get out and do more things, hopefully this can tie in with getting out to see people more

Well, I'm sure there's more but that's a pretty general outlook at my goals. Criticize them as much as you want, I think most of them are actually achievable. I may re-evaluate that position in a few weeks but for now I remain optomistic. So what are everyone else's resolutions?

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