Friday, November 19, 2004

Awesome Concert

I meant to post this last night but I was busy cleaning and playing nintendo...

So Wednesday night was the Tragically Hip concert...and what a concert. They had a pretty good stage setup and some good lighting, but of course most important was the music. They pretty much covered all of my favorite Hip songs. And I don't know what Gord Downey eats before a show but the energy that guy has as he rants away and dances (if you can call it that) around the stage is amazing. The crowd was pretty good and continuous cheering brought on 3 encores. Great show!

And in the end it wasn't to detrimental that I went to the show instead of staying home and working on my paper. I managed to get it almost done by the time we left for the concert and it only took another hour and a bit to finish it before I went to bed. Probably not the best quality but meh, it's done. This weekend should be semi-relaxing with only 2 games to ref and the Grey Cup to watch but I do have some school work to do like the assignment that had its deadline pushed back, so I don't have it totally off. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not what he EATS. It's what he, well....(sniffles and rubs nose suggestively)