Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Random Quote

Actual quote from my Sociology textbook: "Sociology is a good idea"...gee thanks for that, it really helps me learn sociology.


Anonymous said...

Not only is that a sweet quote, its also one that could be up for serious controversy in certain circles. In my Abnormal Psychology discussion group we were talking a bit about sociology because of the discussion of sociopath vs. psychopath vs. antisocial personality disorder and the like. And I would definately assert that my professor would hotly contest the validity of your quote. He was extremely adamant that sociologists are stupid and are no more intelligent than kindergardeners and are useless and have no idea what they're talking about when they get into any issues close to psychology.

While I'm not that extreme, any my paraphrase is subject to the memory distortions discussed in every psych class, especially considering that this was a few months ago, it was nevertheless an enjoyable tirade to listen to for those of us who have suffered many a boring and seeming irrelevant lecture on this "enamouring" topic. But I think sociology has its place. Somewhere. And I do actually believe taking it gave me a better understanding of a lot of the way people see things. So I can't be too too hard on it. Nevertheless, rambling time is over. Peace.


Dave said...

Sociology has it's place all right...in the GARBAGE. Sorry, I'm just a little tired of looking at this drivel right now. Hopefully the test is as easy as this stuff seems.