Monday, April 09, 2007

The End of the Long Weekend Streak

This is my last long weekend for a while (or maybe only a few weeks). I've had three in a row now so it's going to be hard to get back to work (especially since I had a two day conference last week) but luckily it's still a short week this week. My next term of French classes should also be starting up sometime this week.

So my big Easter dinner yesterday went really well. There was plenty of delicious food (the ham turned out really well) and some excellent company. I kind of wish there were a few more people to share in the bounty with us but on the other hand it was nice just having the 4 people I had over. We played some games, then ate, then played some more games...then ate some more. Good times were had by all (at least that's what I'm assuming). Looks like I'll be eating leftovers for a few days but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Hope everyone else's long weekend went just as well.

The next few weeks promise to be pretty busy and action packed. I've got volleyball playoffs (in both tiers) and curling finals. We also have our pool tournament coming up. And of course, in two weeks I move in with Tora. That should be fun but unfortunately I can't just wave my arms and have all my stuff transport itself downtown. The packing and moving will probably be a pain but hopefully I can coax some volunteers to lend their muscles for an afternoon (beer and pizza are in the offering for any movers). Despite the long weekend, I'm still ready for bed already. Have a good week!

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