Thursday, March 29, 2007

Spring has Sprung

It was a beautiful day in Ottawa. It looks like Spring has finally arrived. Good thing I have the day off tomorrow to enjoy the sunshine. I'm already getting geared up for Ultimate and beach volleyball but right now I'm trying to evaluate how I spend my time. I'm always on the go to one sport or activity or another and sometimes this causes either a lack of sleep or a procrastination to do necessary tasks. The simplest example is cleaning. I just put off things like doing the dishes for too long some weeks because whenever I finally get home from wherever I am that day, I just want to relax a bit and play a game or read a book. Unfortunately, by relaxing, I use up the little time I spend at home not doing work that needs to get done. Does anyone have any suggestions for me to try and organize my time better or motivate myself to do some more work around the house when I do have the time? All that being said, I don't live in a total sty and I do get things done...eventually. I'm just somewhat unhappy with myself when it comes to some of the things I know I have to do but always put off. Guess that's just a side effect of a busy life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi D!

Maybe you could try doing the cleaning up first, and then "reward" yourself with a game or reading, guitar, etc. Prioritize! The dishes don't get any easier to clean after being left there. Just a suggestion....
Love, from you know who