Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy 2007!

Disclaimer: originally wrote January 3, 2007...published January 21, 2007

Welcome to another new year. A time for fresh starts and of course New Year's resolutions. Of course I'll keep up with the normal resolutions to quit smoking (so easy to quit when you never started) and to lose weight (that's the real resolution that never quite works out). So an update on my vacation back to Alberta. I got home just before Christmas and as usual, my dad and I went shopping to get a car load of Christmas gifts as we left it all to the last minute again. We then headed down to my Uncle's place in Red Deer for Christmas. It was a good Christmas and it was definitely good to see all of the family together again.

I was especially impressed over my trip home with the beautiful weather. I was expecting that going out West was going to freeze me to the core with all the actual winter they'd been experiencing but it turns out the only difference between Ottawa and Edmonton was the dumps of snow they'd recieved earlier in the season. The rest of my holiday back home was spent visiting with friends and hanging out with my family (although my mom would say I did too much of the former and not enough of the latter). For New Year's Eve, a bunch of the Devon families (the normal crew) got together for a huge Lobster supper at Towne's house. There was much food and drink and good times. There was also a great sing along as we, in typical camping like fashion, go out the guitars and played through the midnight celebration. All in all, it was a good trip and I'm glad I had the chance to go home and visit everyone.

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