Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Lacking the drive

Well if there's one thing I know about myself it's that I'm lazy. Not always mind you, just when it suits me...which is most of the time. So rather than do something about it right now, I'm going to procrastinate like I do with so many other things and just post about it. That way, when I'm done procrastinating (read: playing guitar) to avoid one assignment and start working on finishing up my resume (again), then it'll be time for the Daily Show with Jon Stewart and I can move onto a new mode of procrastination.

At least I did read my textbook some tonight (a rare case). My sociology book has to be one of the most dry, boring books ever written and there's like 200 pages that we need to know for the next midterm, but at least I can have a reprieve from that by reading my marketing book...which I'm also 4 chapters behind in. It's probably a good thing that I'm almost out of university because this catching up thing really takes a toll and as much as I keep dodging most of the test bullets by studying last minute, it's bound to catch up with me at some point.

Well, back to the guitar (read: textbook and resume).

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