WOO BABY!! What a game and what a series! The Oilers are going to play for the Stanley Cup! I'm just bouncing off the walls I'm so pumped. I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight. I only wish I was in Edmonton right now to join in the amazing party that must be going on. I can't wait until the finals start.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Finally a real update
Okay, dishes are done and guitar has been played so it's about time I sit down and update anyone who actually reads this on what's new...
Well I'm enjoying life in my now fully furnished apartment (even though I haven't often been home much in the last week). I'm also enjoying the Oilers' run in this years playoffs (as I'm sure you all could guess). I can't believe how well they're all playing as a team...and that's what makes hockey the greatest sport, a total team effort can drive a team with the desire to win through some of the more skilled teams. Not that I underestimate the skill on the Oilers (where did Pisani come from all of a sudden?) but when you compare them to the Sharks and Red Wings you can't really say the Oilers have the edge in the pure skill department (though maybe they do in depth).
Other new stuff...I've been to two big concerts in the last few weeks. First was INXS the night before my housewarming. Good show with lots of energy and I'm actually quite surprised at how many of their songs I actually knew. Next was the last show on Our Lady Peace's latest tour. A couple of pretty good opening bands kicked it off including the Neverending White Lights. Good show. Then OLP came on and played for 2 hours (including a huge encore with all 4 bands on the tour on stage singing Starseed together, my favorite OLP song).
And on the topic of music, I just picked up 3 new albums lately. The new Red Hot Chili Peppers is pretty awesome with some wicked bass lines and some really kicking funk beats that get your toes tapping. Then yesterday I picked up the new Angels & Airwaves album (the new band of Tom Delong, formerly of Blink-182). It's definitely different but very good. Check it out. And last but not least was yesterday's release of the newest Less Than Jake album, "In With The Out Crowd". I've been waiting for some new stuff from my favorite band and it's satisfied that itch. Not their best album but definitely good and it's growing on me the more I listen to it.
Okay, this is getting pretty long already so I won't go into too much more detail on stuff. Work is going pretty well. I got screened into my CS-01 competition (for a permanent job at StatsCan) and so I get to write a test on June 15th to see if I get an interview for the competition. Right now I'm on an expensive 3 day Oracle database tuning course downtown so I'm learning a bunch of interesting new stuff.
Outside of work life's going very well too. My volleyball net is here now so I can't wait to get out to the beach this weekend. I'm playing guitar a lot and occasionally messing around on my trumpet. I've also been spending quite a bit of time with Johanna (who is gone for a couple of weeks so I have to find something else to fill my time). Speaking of Johanna, we went to the DaVinci Code last Sunday and without going into too much detail because this post is long enough already, don't believe all the critics. I thought it was pretty good. If you liked the book then go see the movie for sure. Most of the trashy reviews are bashing the ideas from the book and not the actual movie. Paul Bettany puts on a pretty haunting performance as Silas the albino monk.
Well I think that's a pretty good update for now. If anyone really wants to know more you should know my e-mail and since I never hear from most of you anymore anyway, drop me a line. Now I think I'm going to listen to a little more Less Than Jake and head to bed early.
Well I'm enjoying life in my now fully furnished apartment (even though I haven't often been home much in the last week). I'm also enjoying the Oilers' run in this years playoffs (as I'm sure you all could guess). I can't believe how well they're all playing as a team...and that's what makes hockey the greatest sport, a total team effort can drive a team with the desire to win through some of the more skilled teams. Not that I underestimate the skill on the Oilers (where did Pisani come from all of a sudden?) but when you compare them to the Sharks and Red Wings you can't really say the Oilers have the edge in the pure skill department (though maybe they do in depth).
Other new stuff...I've been to two big concerts in the last few weeks. First was INXS the night before my housewarming. Good show with lots of energy and I'm actually quite surprised at how many of their songs I actually knew. Next was the last show on Our Lady Peace's latest tour. A couple of pretty good opening bands kicked it off including the Neverending White Lights. Good show. Then OLP came on and played for 2 hours (including a huge encore with all 4 bands on the tour on stage singing Starseed together, my favorite OLP song).
And on the topic of music, I just picked up 3 new albums lately. The new Red Hot Chili Peppers is pretty awesome with some wicked bass lines and some really kicking funk beats that get your toes tapping. Then yesterday I picked up the new Angels & Airwaves album (the new band of Tom Delong, formerly of Blink-182). It's definitely different but very good. Check it out. And last but not least was yesterday's release of the newest Less Than Jake album, "In With The Out Crowd". I've been waiting for some new stuff from my favorite band and it's satisfied that itch. Not their best album but definitely good and it's growing on me the more I listen to it.
Okay, this is getting pretty long already so I won't go into too much more detail on stuff. Work is going pretty well. I got screened into my CS-01 competition (for a permanent job at StatsCan) and so I get to write a test on June 15th to see if I get an interview for the competition. Right now I'm on an expensive 3 day Oracle database tuning course downtown so I'm learning a bunch of interesting new stuff.
Outside of work life's going very well too. My volleyball net is here now so I can't wait to get out to the beach this weekend. I'm playing guitar a lot and occasionally messing around on my trumpet. I've also been spending quite a bit of time with Johanna (who is gone for a couple of weeks so I have to find something else to fill my time). Speaking of Johanna, we went to the DaVinci Code last Sunday and without going into too much detail because this post is long enough already, don't believe all the critics. I thought it was pretty good. If you liked the book then go see the movie for sure. Most of the trashy reviews are bashing the ideas from the book and not the actual movie. Paul Bettany puts on a pretty haunting performance as Silas the albino monk.
Well I think that's a pretty good update for now. If anyone really wants to know more you should know my e-mail and since I never hear from most of you anymore anyway, drop me a line. Now I think I'm going to listen to a little more Less Than Jake and head to bed early.
More pictures from the warming of my apartment
You can go to JP's site for even more...http://web.mac.com/x_philie2000/
...or you can look at a few of the pics that France sent me from her camera...
Wei and Ali:

Marc and Sophie:

Other Marc and Ive:

Robyn supervises the poker game:

Aww...Anne-Marie missed Jay:

I honestly didn't think the futon would hold four:

A pretty good summary picture:

And that update is coming, I swear...I've just got to finish doing the dishes first...
...or you can look at a few of the pics that France sent me from her camera...
Wei and Ali:

Marc and Sophie:

Other Marc and Ive:

Robyn supervises the poker game:

Aww...Anne-Marie missed Jay:

I honestly didn't think the futon would hold four:

A pretty good summary picture:

And that update is coming, I swear...I've just got to finish doing the dishes first...
Proud to be Canadian!
How about the fans in Rexall Place last night in Edmonton taking over for Paul Loreau in the singing of O Canada!! Now if that isn't pride in one's country and one's home team, I don't know what is. Kind of brings a tear to my eye and a shiver up the spine.
Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meLpuF9UMvk
P.S. More updates to come since I have been slacking on the posts recently.
Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meLpuF9UMvk
P.S. More updates to come since I have been slacking on the posts recently.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
If Edmonton can play against Anaheim like they did in this series against San Jose they'll win it. Just stick to the good hard nosed hockey and they'll pull through.
P.S. My sister's picture is on the Edmonton Oilers website under the fan pics section. She's with her friends in front of the Fanzoni with the Stanley Cup hat that she made. And she's been on TV a bunch with her Oilers gear on. Go Julz!
If Edmonton can play against Anaheim like they did in this series against San Jose they'll win it. Just stick to the good hard nosed hockey and they'll pull through.
P.S. My sister's picture is on the Edmonton Oilers website under the fan pics section. She's with her friends in front of the Fanzoni with the Stanley Cup hat that she made. And she's been on TV a bunch with her Oilers gear on. Go Julz!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
As promised earlier today, here are some pictures from my housewarming last night. There was a much bigger turnout than I expected but that was good because I got to see everyone and we all had a good time. Thanks to everyone that came and to those that couldn't make it, don't worry, you can see the place another time soon (or look at the pictures that I posted this morning).
Welcome to my humble abode where the conversation was lively all night:

Ive and France (with Jay in the back):

Tracy checking on the baby with Andrew watching the Sens game (Marc and Sophie in the background with Tony bouncing the Yoga ball):

Not only was it my housewarming, but France's birthday is today so we had a cake for that too (Happy Birthday France!):

Ive's little brother Antonio (life of the party and expert photographer):

It isn't a party until the Donkey Konga game is broken out (look how intense the bongo action is):

Jay's classic pose while Kevin, Johanna, and Robyn relax on the new Futon:

And of course a poker game breaks out (with Wei presiding and Cora keeping an eye on him):

Well that pretty much sums it up. I know JP will be putting up his photos sometime so I'll try to link to that when I can since I didn't really get pictures with everyone.
Welcome to my humble abode where the conversation was lively all night:

Ive and France (with Jay in the back):

Tracy checking on the baby with Andrew watching the Sens game (Marc and Sophie in the background with Tony bouncing the Yoga ball):

Not only was it my housewarming, but France's birthday is today so we had a cake for that too (Happy Birthday France!):

Ive's little brother Antonio (life of the party and expert photographer):

It isn't a party until the Donkey Konga game is broken out (look how intense the bongo action is):

Jay's classic pose while Kevin, Johanna, and Robyn relax on the new Futon:

And of course a poker game breaks out (with Wei presiding and Cora keeping an eye on him):

Well that pretty much sums it up. I know JP will be putting up his photos sometime so I'll try to link to that when I can since I didn't really get pictures with everyone.
Some Assembly Required
Welcome to the house (apartment) that Ikea built...or rather, the house that Ikea delivered (or sold me) in pieces for me to assemble. Since I have been living here for 3 months now, I figured it was about time I finished furnishing the place. There is a story behind the troubles in getting all the furniture but I'll save that for later for those few people that haven't heard me whine about it yet (let me know if anyone actually wants the full story). Without further ado, here's my little virtual tour...enjoy!
The View (on today's cloudy day):

The kitchen and front hall (still a little messy from last night's housewarming):

Several views of the living room:

And the bedroom:

Hopefully this gives everyone a little better idea of my place. Pictures are better than words. I know the walls are really white and I need to get something to put up there (namely a huge Oilers flag and to put up my Sens flag) but I figured something to sit on should be my first priority. Anyway, those are my digs...I'm pretty happy with the way it's all come together. I'll post some pictures of my housewarming from last night next, as soon as I do those dishes in the kitchen and finish cleaning up.
The View (on today's cloudy day):

The kitchen and front hall (still a little messy from last night's housewarming):

Several views of the living room:

And the bedroom:

Hopefully this gives everyone a little better idea of my place. Pictures are better than words. I know the walls are really white and I need to get something to put up there (namely a huge Oilers flag and to put up my Sens flag) but I figured something to sit on should be my first priority. Anyway, those are my digs...I'm pretty happy with the way it's all come together. I'll post some pictures of my housewarming from last night next, as soon as I do those dishes in the kitchen and finish cleaning up.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
New TV!!
So Jay's back for a week from Sweeden starting Friday night. So obviously we had to go make our regular electronics shopping trip and I just happened to be in the market for a new TV. So after some careful deliberation at Future Shop I finally bought it. Just a 27" flat tube Toshiba but I like it. I also bought a new 250 Gb hard drive on an impulse at PC Cyber. At least now I have space to download a bunch of movies, TV shows, and put more of my CDs on my computer. Time to shut down the computer and get that sucker installed so I put Bit Torrent to work.
I am Iron Man
Your results:
You are Iron Man
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
You are Iron Man
| Inventor. Businessman. Genius.![]() |
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
No Battle of Alberta this post season
So the Flames are out. I'm actually kind of indifferent about this. Part of me is happy when Calgary loses. The other part is sad that another Canadian team has been eliminated and that we won't have a phenomenal Battle of Alberta like you know it would have been. I guess defense may win championships but when you get no good shots on net and play defense the whole game like Calgary did tonight, you don't score and you lose.
Oh well, the Oilers are just going to have to beat the Sharks instead. Slightly less exciting but just as much of a challenge. GO OILERS GO!
Oh well, the Oilers are just going to have to beat the Sharks instead. Slightly less exciting but just as much of a challenge. GO OILERS GO!
Beautiful Evening and a Beautiful Sunset
It was such a beautiful night that I decided to take a rollerblade down by the river and head down to the beach to see if I could catch the sunset. Now I'm not in the best of shape but I figured I had quite a bit of time to get down to the beach and still catch the sunset with my camera so I took a bit more of a round about route. I had to hussle and boy did it take it right out of me...but I caught the sunset just in time. Here's a few shots I managed to get from a couple different places. It sure was a beautiful sight, the pictures don't quite convey the view. And the best news, the beach looks like a great place to play volleyball :D

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