Monday, June 20, 2005

Two Great Movies

Ok, so I'm going to bed right after I post this. In the last week I've seen two of the best movies in theatres that I've seen all year so far: Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Batman Begins.

First off, Mr. and Mrs. Smith is a great action movie that is actually quite subtle (if an action movie can be that) in a lot of ways. I thoroughly enjoyed it and suggest that anyone who likes any kind of action type movie at all goes out and sees it. It doesn't hurt that Angelina Jolie is in it (so hot)...and Brad Pitt for the ladies.

Next I went to see Batman Begins. Now I know that a lot of people have been pretty hard on the Batman movies so far...and rightfully so in a lot of ways. I personally don't mind any of the Batman movies so far but this one blows the rest out of the water. It does such a great job of introducing and explaining the Batman character in an interesting and exciting way. And as far as I know, is more true to the original comics and graphic novels than any of the other movies.

So go see Batman Begins and Mr. and Mrs.'ll probably like them. And if you don't, then you just wouldn't know a good movie if it slapped you in the face :)

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