Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Unemployed Life

I'm sure there's a job for me out there somewhere but since I'm not going stir crazy yet (though it's only been a few days) I'm not in the biggest hurry to find it yet. I even had the energy to clean some tonight with Dan and our apartment is looking cleaner than it has in...well, maybe ever (well since we moved in anyway). We're out at the end of the month so we'll see if it can stay that way or normal laziness kicks in and the mess returns.

Now since I have been sitting inside the last two days I have some recommendations that people should check out (some of these I found before this week but still). - this is a twisted humor site that many people may not find funny so don't say I didn't warn you but there are some very funny articles. I suggest some of the lists and movie articles.

The Daily Show - Jon Stewart is a very very funny smart guy, or a smart funny guy, either way, watch the Daily Show if you haven't yet (check your local listenings). Very intelligent (most of the time) comedy.

Missy Higgins - this is an Australian musician that has become one of my sister's favorite artists. You can listen to a bunch of her songs on her website. Some very cool and mellow piano and accoustic guitar melodies.

Star Wars Revelations - just search on google and you'll find a site where you can download this. It's a fan made Star Wars video that is about 45 min long...but WOW, it's amazing. It takes place between Episode III and Episode IV but doesn't involve any of the main characters. It's free to download so just go waste some bandwidth and check it out if you're at all a Star Wars fan.

That's it for now but I'll probably find some more random junk soon. If anyone feels like going for some food or killing some time with me just drop me a line. I am after all, not too busy right now :)

"'Cos finger by finger we're losing grasp and
I'm questioning the reason why nothing beautiful does last"
- Missy Higgins from Any Day Now

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