Monday, November 01, 2004

Friggin' Time Change and Microsoft

So I forgot about the time change. Well, that's not entirely true. I changed my watch, I changed the time in my car...I just neglected to change my stereo or my alarm clock, the two things that wake me up in the morning. So this morning I was up at 8 rather than the planned 9...stupid me. Oh well, at least I had more time to fix my parents computer. Which brings me to my next point: stupid Microsoft. For unexplained reasons, the internet browsers seem to work for only 3 or 4 pages before quitting on my parent's computer. Everything else that needs to be connected to the net works fine but as soon as you try to use a browser it just can't find anything. Stupid Windows. Probably has something to do with Service Pack 2 since it was working fine until I installed that. Guess I'll have to try to fix it tomorrow.

Well, Happy Halloween everyone, enjoy the extra hour of sleep.

1 comment:

Caro Caro said...

You should try Linux *grinz*