Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Actual update

So I just realized I blabbed on about movies for the last post and didn't really say anything else. Well, I hurt my knee again...playing soccer, again. It's not as bad as last year though. It comes and goes and I could probalby get along ok doing almost everything physical like normal but I'm skipping badminton tomorrow (even though I really don't want to) and I'll likely miss soccer on Thursday too. Besides hurting my knee (which happened when I got kicked in the back of the knee for some unknown reason) the game on Sunday went very well. It was a beautiful, hot day (too hot some would say) and the other team didn't have a full lineup and wasn't overly good anyway. So we managed an easy 5-0 win. I didn't get any goals (partly being sidelined didn't help that) but I did manage to get into the action quite a bit. For some reason we play better on Sunday afternoon games then our regular weekday games. I guess we're all just tired from working so hard all day (inside joke description: almost all of us work for the government). We're going to have to get a win on a weeknight sometime (I hope).

Other bit of update (which I meant to post last night but was too tired) is that I went to the Evanesence concert last night. It was AWESOME! Not just Evanesence but the opening bands as well. My one complaint was how long Evanesence played (only 1 hour) but with Breaking Benjamin, Seether, and Three Days Grace each playing before hand, the concert was long enough and had enough great music. Anyway, if you get a chance to see either Three Days Grace or Evanesence live, DO IT. Even Breaking Benjamin was really good (Seether was ok but not totally my cup of tea). Next big concert on the horizon: Warped Tour 2004 in Montreal. Can't wait for that one. Hoepfully it'll be as great as last year's.

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